I Once Loved

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Chapter Two: I Once Loved


Adam hasn't changed, he is still the same man I fall in love with many years ago. I still regret denying his proposal. But I knew marrying him wasn't going to help launch my career. Though I am so happy that we will be working together.
Adam is single, he divorced his wife. I wonder why? But that doesn't matter. I am going to redeem myself. Adam and I belong together.

My employe Halaat will be coming to Kuwait to make sure that everything goes as planned. I am going to London for a week. When I come back I am going to make Adam fall for me and remind me of what we were once... And I have a plan.


Rania and I were in the break room talking while having coffee. "I am going to miss Haris," I said in low tone.

"His fun park buddy is leaving, he's surely going to miss you too,"

"I only have a week left until I leave for Kuwait," I said.

"I am going to miss you Halaat, but before you leave we are going to make the most of the time we have left together. We'll go shopping, have a girls day out and go to the spa," Rania said excitedly.

"Insha Allah. I can't wait," I said. She started talking about where we could go and we started planning.
Imad walked into the break room, stood at the corner. I could feel his stare, I knew he is looking at me. I pretended not to notice. Rania stood up and walked out of the room. I can't believe her she set me up.

"Assalam alaykum," Imad said.

"Waalikum Salam," I replied.

"I heard you are going to Kuwait for a month,"

"Yes the boss wanted me to go to Kuwait and make sure that everything goes as planned. She signed the contract," I said.

"So you agreed to stay in Kuwait for a month," he asked. I nodded my head to indicate yes, he looked at me and I knew he was going to bring the proposal talk. Imad's family know about me, and Ummi knows about Imad. They called Ummi and talked about the proposal. She got so excited that she was ready to come to Abu Dhabi. But I wasn't ready...

"Halaat, I don't get why you don't want to except my proposal. You said to give you time and I did," he said in a harsh tone. Imad is running out of patience and I am running out of excuses. Even though I divorced Adam, it just doesn't feel right to move on.

"I'll be working with my ex husband, the company in Kuwait is his," I said abruptly.

"Halaat at least accept my proposal, and than we will get married later. When you are ready," he said. Imad is scared of losing me. I could see in his eyes. I looked at my hand and started fidgeting with my fingers. Even though I divorced Adam, it just doesn't feel right to move on. But he doesn't remember me, it's been a year. Apart of me just doesn't want to let go, but it's time to move on.

"Okay..." I said. He looked at me and smiled. Imad walked out of the room... It's time to move on, I said to myself. Rania came into the break room and begged me to tell her everything that happened. She was so excited and happy for me.

Later on that day I received a bouquet of roses. I opened the card that was attached to the bouquet.
Almarrat al'uwlaa alty ra'aytakum qalbi yhms: hadha hu wahid (The first time I saw you my heart whispered: That's the one) .

I looked across the room and I noticed Imad standing and looking at me. He watched me as I got lost again and again in his words. I carried my bouquet. Rania looked at me and smirked. She knew who the flowers were from.
I left the office about three o'clock, with my roses. Imad and Rania had already left. I just took a taxi home. I reached home and enter my home. Layla had already arrived home. I told her that I agreed on Imad's proposal and she was so happy.
"Now we have to go shopping for your dress," she said.

"Dress?" I asked confused.

"Yes your engagement dress. I am so happy for you Halaat," she said and hugged me. I called my mum and Ayat to inform them. They were so happy, my mother started crying over the phone. My mum said she got a call from Imad's mum. She's such a sweet lady, she's so pretty. She honestly doesn't look like she gave birth to eight kids.

I slept early after isha prayers.
I woke up at six am and prayed. I sat on my bed, read few verses from the Quran. After reading the Quran, I checked my phone and there was a message from Imad.

Imad: Assalam alaykum Halaat. My mother asked me to choose a date for the engagement ceremony. But I thought we should decide the date together.❤️

Halaat: Waalikum Salam, how about on the 25th on Thursday?

I can't believe I am getting engaged in three days, it's not long ago that I was married to the man I adored dearly.
I look at my phone and Imad sent message.

Imad: Fi'ahsan al'ahwal (perfect) . I hope you liked the roses.

Halaat: I loved them, shukran. 😌

Imad: 'ahlaan bik (welcome)

I fall asleep, I was sleepy.
I woke up at nine o'clock, Layla had already left for work. I stayed at home, Ummi told me not to go to work. Imad doesn't even work in the building I work in. He is a lawyer, he works for the business. Sometimes he just drops by, either to take some documents or to pick up Rania.

I sat in my apartment, I had nothing to do. I was so bored. Suddenly my heart started to wonder.


"Naam hayati?"

"Well we have never discussed about children,"

"What about them?" He asked still looking at me.

"I mean we haven't discussed our lives when we have a baby."

"What is there to discuss Halaat. Our child will have a clumsy mother and the most handsome father," he said in a jokey voice.

"Adam I am serious."

"I am going to love my child very very much and care for him/her. I will make sure that the mother and the baby is always happy that will be my goal everyday to make sure they smile. Halaat having a child with you will be the greatest and the most beautiful thing that has ever happened in my life."

Tears start to flow and my heart starts to ache.
Adam you taught me how to love you, you never taught me how to stop. I cried, I couldn't think straight. How can I marry Imad, how can I promise him my heart. When Adam has it...

I can't do this. My phone starts to ring, Rania is calling me. I pick up...

"Get ready Halaa. I am coming to pick you up, we are going shopping for your dress, I took a leave at work and so did Layla. I'll be there in ten minutes," she said and hang up the phone.

What are you thinking Halaat... Adam doesn't remember you. He doesn't know you. Just forget about it. It's time to move on, happiness awaits for you.

Thanks for reading.❤️

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