Eyes That Commit

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Chapter Nine: Eyes That Commit.

(.أنت لى)
   You are mine❤️



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Adam's POV.

"And I fear that my place gets taken, by someone who is very lucky and not too shy, and who flirts with your eyes while I am the one who is crazy about them."

I am leaving for Dubai the day after tomorrow, and I have decided I will not leave unless I make Halaat my wife. Five days without seeing her was torture and how about months? It will surely be the death of me. Seeing her makes me happy. I have learned to love her flaws.

I spoke to my mother about my thoughts and I could see her eyes light up. She told me she would speak with Halaat's mum, Khalo( aunt) Khadija. Later that day my mum came into my room and told me something that made my soul blissful. My mother told me that Halaat and I should get married tomorrow, officially. We could go to court for a simple wedding. I agreed to my mother's suggestion.

Halaat's Mum POV.

I got a call from Adam's mum. I couldn't believe what I heard. That Adam wants to get married tomorrow. I understood the reason very well. I remember Ayat telling me something about Adam's company in Dubai there was a problem and he had to go to Dubai as soon as possible. She said the wedding had to be postponed.

I noticed Halaat's odd behaviour in the past two days. Could it possibly be because of the wedding? I noticed she's been off mood. If the reason of her sadness was the postponing of the wedding she surely will be happy when I tell her the news.

I went to Halaat's room and I noticed she was on her laptop watching a movie. I also noticed her messy hair. I took the comb from the dressing table, stood behind her and started combing her hair.

"Ummi you don't have to comb my hair I'll do it later," she said.

"Ohh abnatay ( my daughter) I will miss combing your hair and looking after you," I told her,"After you get married you will comb your daughters hair."

"Ummi don't worry we have a lot of time. The wedding has been postponed because..." she replied.

"Hala, Adam's mum called me and told me that the Nikah should be held tomorrow," I explained. Halaat stood up and looked at me in disbelief. "It's going to be a simple wedding in the court."

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