The Boss.

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Chapter Two: The Boss.

I can't believe my eyes, it's him the stranger with the grey eyes he's my boss! What should I say? What could I say ? 'Thank you for saving me and not letting me fall.' I couldn't think straight. Jamila left when I entered the office. A dark and cold room, the curtains were closed and the air conditioner was switched on set to eighteen degrees. I felt really uncomfortable. I wish Jamila stayed, it would have been less awkward I thought.

"Are you just going to stand there all day?" he said with a serious tone still reading the documents on his table. A thrill went through me. I remained standing and he still continued reading. After standing for a minute or more, I still couldn't think of what to say. I thought for awhile putting together my words and confidence. I finally said...
"Assalam alaykum."

"Walikum Salam," he replied without making eye contact.

"My name is Halaat Abdul Malik," I said confident. He still didn't look at me, he still read his documents. I felt like some sort of ghost. "I...I was hired for the..."

"Miss Halaat I am well aware why you were hired and who you are. Miss Halaat you are late," he interrupted me and spoke to me in a serious manner.

"Sir I am sorry, it won't happen again," I apologised sincerely. He told me to have a sit, and he explained to me what the business objectives were and rules etc. I was assigned a project to work on. I was instructed where I was going to work and who to ask for advice when I needed it. Exactly the information I need. I left his office and I breathed out as if I was holding my breath under water. Alhamdulilah, I am so glad he didn't mention the incident that happened at the elevator.

I hate the way he talks he sounds like he's annoyed at everything. His serious face didn't show expressions. He is a strong minded man and with that comes great pride - I concluded. I went to where I was assigned, the place I'll be working at for a long time hopefully. I was siting next to Jamila the Emirati lady. Jamila helped me on the project she even explained the routine of the company. Her personality captured my soul. Kind and helpful.

"Halaat, Mr Adam the boss what do you think of him?" Jamila asked me and chuckled.

"I don't think he was in a good mood today, his inaccessible grey eyes pierced my soul whenever he looked at me. Would it kill him to smile or maybe just be less serious for a moment," I complained a bit too loud. Those who walked by us heard every word and laughed. But one person didn't laugh, he stood in a distance while starring at me with his grey eyes. I pursed my lips. Did my boss just hear me criticising him.

Jamila hadn't seen the boss and still she continued laughing. After awhile he left and went back to his office.

"His smile is like a shooting star, by the time you blink there would be no sign it had been there," Jamila said. After we talked about each other's hobbies, I decided to get started on the project.

After six hours of hard work, it was lunch time and it meant that I can leave for home. Jamila offered to take me out for lunch but I decline. I told Jamila that we could go for lunch another day.

I left the building and as I was walking towards my car. I saw Mr Adam smoking by his car. 'Ya Allah guide us to the straight path', I said in my heart. I dislike smokers, honestly I wish he knew how bad it is for him. It's not my business. I have a habit of interfering at times. I tried my best to ignore the fact that he smokes. I got into my car and drove home. 'Home sweet home.'

I reached home, parked my car and entered the house only to find my sister Ayat watching a Turkish television show. I ran to her and hugged her. Ayat lives in America she's older than me by eight years yet we are so close. I love it when she comes to visit, her visits bring joy to me. She and her husband live in America because of his business. But she comes to visit us after every three or four months and stays for a week or two. Ayaat has no kids, she had a problem. Yet her husband Fahim still stays by her and promised her he would never marry another as long as she was breathing. So they are considering to adopt a child.

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