Beautiful Moments

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Chapter Eleven: Beautiful Moments.

Adam's POV.

I am so glad I was able to make Halaat smile. When she thanked me and hugged me unexpectedly I knew my plan was successful. Buying her clothes and jewellery was my way of saying I care. But material things won't always be able explain my feelings.

I have been so busy with work that I haven't gotten a chance to know my wife. I don't know her likes or dislikes. We don't even sleep on the same bed. As her husband I have right, but as a human who doesn't know anything about her, my presence on the bed would be like as a stranger.

I have to go to the company today. I planned out everything after work, I am going to ignore all the work and business calls, until I know everything about Halaat. I know it will take more than one day to know someone, but I got to start from somewhere.

I hope Halaat will like the surprises...

Halaat's POV.

'I can't remember exactly the first time your soul whispered to mine, but I know you woke it. And it has never slept since.'

'For me, there is only you.' I have been contemplating his words, I can't seem to forget those exact words. It's a memory I just don't want to forget. Adam left for work and I was left at the pent house all to myself.

I decided to watch television, I got bored so fast. I am not used to doing nothing the whole day. I decided to take a shower and dress up in the clothes Adam bought for me. I wish there was more to Adam's 'love' then clothes, I want to know my husband. But I never get a chance to even greet him, he's always on the phone or working on the laptop.

Adam doesn't sleep on the same bed as I. Maybe he knows how much of a terrible sleeper I am. It was about noon, I got a text from Adam...

Adam: I am coming to pick you up, be ready by two o'clock.

Me: Where are we going?

Adam: It's a surprise ;)

Me: Hmm okay...

Adam is full of surprises, I wonder where his taking me.

I decided to do my make up first, I did it neutral and simple. I spent about thirty minutes thinking of what to wear, I finally decided a simple dress would do. A long conservative arctic blue dress with a long loose fitting nude cardigan.

I did my scarf, than wore my flats. Five minutes to two, I still had time to take selfies. Adams phone call interrupted my 'photo shoot'. I picked up the phone and he instructed me to go downstairs and that he is waiting for me in the car.

I got into the elevator and headed for the lobby. I got out of the hotel and I saw Adam in a black Ferrari. I got in the car and he greeted me.

"Assalam alaykum,"

"Walikum Salam," I replied.

Adam was wearing a white thobe. I noticed they were no bodyguards today, no jeeps following us. Just a normal day out.
We drove off and it was silence as usual, I was eager to know where he is taking me. There was traffic and still silence in the car. I decided to play a game on my phone since he isn't going to say anything. I was so hang up on the game that I didn't even notice that we had reached our destination and Adam had stop the car.

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