The Heart Has It's Reasons.

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Chapter Five: The Heart Has It's Reasons.

My eyes still fixed at the screen and my heart throbbing. Adam sent me a text message, what could it be? And why did Jamila call me? I decided to call Jamila first and then open the message. I wonder why Jamila called.

I called Jamila but she didn't pick up. So I decided to open the text message, Adam sent me a link. A link to a video about claustrophobia. I watched the video. The video was basically about how to stay calm when you are feeling trapped, mainly about claustrophobia. I learnt new information from the video. Was this Adam's way of apologising?

I texted him and thanked him. After I sent the message, suddenly his name popped on my screen. He was calling me. Adam! calling me. How should I talk? Why am I so nervous? I have talked to him so many times at the office. But this is different, we weren't going to work about work, I had a feeling. I picked up the phone call...

"Assalam alaykum," Adam said.

"Walikum Salam," I replied in a soft voice.

"Halaat I called to apologise about earlier today my actions were not justified. If  you had died, I don't know what I ... I mean my actions weren't justified," he said in a sincere serious tone.

"It's okay," I said.

"Halaat I apologise again. I hope I can make this up to you over coffee. I thought maybe we can go to a cafe and discuss about the 'decision'."

"All is forgiven Adam, not everyone would have known what to do. Thanks for the video it was really helpful and sure coffee would be nice." He told me which Cafe we will meet in and he hang up. Oh my God, my boss I mean Adam just apologised to me and he wants to meet up with me over coffee. Ayat came in my room and she saw me in my thought bubble.

"Assalam alaykum," she said.

"Walikum Salam," I replied.

"Hala are you okay?" As soon as she asked me that question I stood up and went to hug her, hugging Ayat makes me feel better. I told her everything that happened at work in the elevator and the phone call with Adam. After I told her she smirked. I hate when she does that, I am nervous and sacred all she did was smirk and made jokes about me and Adam.

"Hala why are you so nervous, after all he is your future husband," she said while laughing. I have never seen her so happy. Since the day she found out she couldn't have kids, her happiness was somehow incomplete I guess. But when she talks about the wedding and Adam and I, her eyes smile and she laughs out of happiness. My mother too was excited , she's been looking at wedding dresses and venues for the wedding. As for Hussein he is excited to have another older brother, 'someone he can relate to' he says and also he is happy because he is going to be the only child in the house.

My family was happy because of me, because  of my future and my happiness. Ya Allah I hope my family remains happy at all times with or without me. (Ameen)
My decision is clear and I know what I have to do.

I got ready and wore my casual plain abaya, and left the house. Ayat told me not to overdress, she said to save it after the marriage. I told my mother, I was going to the nearby cafe for coffee. As I was driving, I tried to stay calm and practice what I was going to say. I got to the nearby Cafe and got out of my car. As I entered the Cafe, I searched for his mesmerising grey eyes. And I found him sitting at the corner of the cafe at the table, reading the menu.

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