liqa' alsyd alhaqq?

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Chapter Three: liqa' alsyd alhaqq?(Meeting Mr right?)

It's been a week working in the office it's not entirely bad. Jamila making the most hilarious jokes to make my days better and funnier. While my boss giving me more work, ordering me around and giving me death glares when I don't complete my work on time.

Whenever Mr Adam talks to me I lower my gaze, it's the righteous thing to do. Alhamdulilah I don't have to look into his cold eyes, that give me nervous thrills whenever I look into them.

"Hala, I talked to Fahim about the arrangement between you and his cousin. He thinks it's a great idea, he has already informed his aunt and she agreed to the arrangement," Ayat said excitedly. I totally forget that I had to meet up with a stranger and decide whether I want to spend the rest of my life with him, pleasing him and making him happy or not choose him and marry work instead.

"Okay," I replied short and brief. It was Monday morning and I was not in the mood of the marriage talk. I didn't want to invite the topic, but Ayat just didn't understand.

"Hala I can't wait to see you on your wedding day. In sha Allah it will be better than mine, we will go shopping for your dress, we will plan everything together..." She said excitedly.

"Ayat please stop I don't have time for this we'll talk about it later," I said harshly.

"Halaat why don't you like talking about marriage? Don't you know it's a greatest act in front of God," Ayat said seriously.

"As you said Mr.Right doesn't exist, why should I get my hopes up?" I said while putting on my Abya.

"Halaat I know what father did was unforgivable but you can't possibly think every men is like him,"

"Ayat I don't want to talk about him please... The truth is I am just sacred, what if we don't share the same feelings and the guy hates me?"

"How can someone hate you Hala, you are vibrant colours mixed with madness, how can anyone not like your beautiful soul?" Ayat said comforting me. I found comfort in her words, and I decided to hug her. Honestly the reason why I am not excited about marriage like most people would be is because I am afraid. I am afraid of lonely nights and my fragile heart being broken. Maybe Ayat was right, maybe father's actions are still haunting me and I should forget about the past.

"I promise we will talk about this when I come back from work I am getting late," I said in a hurry. I went down stairs only to find my brother and mother having breakfast. I greeted them and hugged my mum and then decided to ruin Hussein's perfect silky combed hair.

Hussein got angry, and he decided not to speak to me. His anger is like ice, it melts as soon as his mood changes. I sat with them for breakfast as soon as I finished, I kissed my mum on the forehead and left for work.

I got to work early and started working on my presentation. Mr Adam hasn't arrived I noticed and his always early, Jamila too hasn't arrived. I went to the photocopy room to print out some papers, then I had to go to Mr Adam's secretary and give her some reports. After that I had to go to the fifth floor and talk to another director about the project. It was such a busy day, two hours of moving around and making sure everything was orderly.

Jamila had come late, but at least she came because Jamila's jokes are the highlight of my day. I asked her why she was late she told me it was because of her brother. I didn't know Jamila had a brother. Suddenly I hear my phone ringing , interrupting the conversation. I picked up the phone call and I heard my moms voice, she instructed me to come home as soon as possible. My mum hang up without telling me why. I followed my mum's instruction and left as soon as I finished some reports.

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