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Chapter One: Adam & Halaat
One year later...


"What time is the meeting?" I asked.

"At 2 o'clock Sir," my assistant replied.
I have a very important meeting today with the head of a very successful company. She is also an old friend, hopefully the deal will be sealed. I have to leave for prayers it's twelve forty already.

I drove to the nearby mosque. I finished my prayers, before I left the mosque I bump into my brother in-law Talal. Jamila's husband. "Assalam alaykum," I greeted him.

"Waalikum Salam 'akh (brother)," he replied.

"How is Jamila?" I ask.

"She is doing great Alhamdulliah. Adam you should pass by home, the doors are always open for you," he says.

"Insha Allah I will. I have to get going see you around Talal," I said. I rushed out of the mosque and head to the office realising only some minutes were left until two o'clock. I reach my office on time, Alhamdulliah. Minutes passed and she still hasn't arrived. I wonder why she is so late, this business deal is very important. After minutes of waiting, the door finally opens and there stood Amira.
My friend.

"Salams, I am sorry to keep you waiting. I was caught up with a personal problem," she said. She still hasn't changed. Tall, beautiful and never on time.

"Waalikum Salam," I replied and stood up. "No problem, I am glad you made it." She took her sit and removed papers from her handbag. I sat and waited for her to begin.

"When I heard your company wanted to do business with mine. I was surprised at first, but after being assured of the details and the contract. I was more than happy," she said.

"Yes, I was relived too when you accepted the deal and to talk further on it." We sat for what seemed like an hour just discussing and negotiating on the deal. Amira and I went to the same university. We were very close friends, she was my first love actually. We had a lot in common.
She's very intelligent and interesting talk too, besides her being beautiful. I proposed to her and she denied my proposal, stating that she need to be independent and focus on her career. 

She choose business over me, I respected her choice. Leaving me with a broken heart and a wondering mind. And after all this time she still hasn't gotten married... "The business makes about eight million a year, am I correct?" She asked.

"Yes you are," I replied.

"Okay than it's a deal. Your company has a steady income, a lot of branches and shows great potential. Why not?" She said with an exciting tone.

"Great," I say.

"I look forward to be working with you," I said.

"As am I." She looks at me and smiles.

"Adam are you free for Coffee?" she asks.

"Sorry I am busy, I have to head straight home, my mother is really sick and..."

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