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Chapter Thirteen: ...

Adam's POV.

"Halaat wake up," I said.

What is it?" She asked still sleeping.

"I can't fall asleep," I told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"I can't stop thinking of what Ali did, he is my best friend it's just hard to believe that he could betray me," I explained.

"What time is it?" She asked drowsily. 

"Five o'clock," I answered her. She got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, I noticed her saturated hands.

"Adam let's pray, surly in salat we will find ease," she said while putting on her prayer cloth. I went to the bathroom did my ablution. I than lead the fajar prayer and she followed. We finished our prayer and than she made a dua(prayer) and I too. Halaat stood up and took the Quran she always reads from and sat on the bed.

"Adam come and sleep," she said. I went on the bed and laid my head on her laps.

"Don't worry Adam,'He knows well what lies in our hearts,' Alththiqat fi alllah wakhatatah(Trust in God and his plans)," Halaat said in her sweet voice. I am so lucky to end up with a woman who reminds me of God, who makes things always seem sublime. Alhamdulliah.

As my head rested on her laps, she started reading the beautiful verses of the Quran. Surely my heart was happy, to hear Halaat utter the words of Allah. Her beautiful clear voice and the verses of the Quran made my heart feel at peace. She started reading surtul Baqara. Halaat put her hand on my head and started stroking my hair while reading the sura. Eventually I fall asleep.

Halaat's POV.

Adam is so worried about his friend Ali. That he can't sleep, he woke me up at five o'clock. I wonder how long his been awake. Alhamdulliah after the morning prayers and after listening to the verses of the Quran he fall asleep.

By the time I finished reciting the sura, it was already seven o'clock. Adam was still resting his head on my laps. I didn't want to wake him so I watched him as he slept. After a while I started feeling sleepy too. I closed my eyes and tried to find comfort in the uncomfortable position I was sitting in.

Adam wasn't on the bed when I woke up. I went to look for Adam, only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Assalam alaykum hayati( my life)," he said.

"Walikum Salam," I replied.

"Well you ruined my gesture, I was planning breakfast on bed,"

"Haha Adam you know how to cook?"

"Yes I know how to cook. Mina used to cook at home all the time, she loves cooking. She used to force Jamila and I into the kitchen to be judges and criticise her food, the  silver lining is I picked up a skill,"

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