Remember Me?

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Chapter twenty two: Remember Me?

Halaat is officially cancer free. Yay? But Adam, Halaat misses him. Halaat believes in their love. Halaat is still haunted by her accident. Everything seems to be falling down. Everything in Halaat's life just doesn't seem right.

Halaat's POV.

"Congratulations you are officially cancer free," Dr Mariam said while smiling. I should be happy I suppose that I am alive and breathing and living. The doctor said I could see Adam after a week, once I heal. But I haven't seen him in a almost a month. I miss him.

"Shukran Doctor Mariam," Ayat replied. Seeing that I was drowning in my thoughts, she had better reply.

"No problem. I'll let you rest," she said and left the room. I can't sit here anymore, I need to know how my husband is. I need to hear his heartbeat that soothes me. Ayat and Ummi sat a distant from me watching me in silence as my thoughts took over.

"She needs a therapist Ummi," Ayat whispered. Her whispering skills are useless. Ayat doesn't know how to whisper. My head laid on the pillow and turned away from their faces.

"She doesn't need a therapist Ayat. She's going to be okay, she's just grieving and that's normal," Ummi said. Showing no effort at whispering.

"I miss her," Ayat whispered. Another failed attempt.

"I am right here, I am not dead." I said turning to look at them.

"Then quit acting like you are," Ayat spoke.

"Honestly I wish..." I said. Ummi interrupted me.

"Don't you dare speak like that. Don't you dare let shaytan take over your thoughts," my mum said in a serious commending tone. I remained silent and turned my head away from her sad eyes. I am worried about Adam, I am scared. I don't know if he is dead or not. All I know is that he is in a coma, that doesn't assure my curious heart.

He is my first and last love. How can I not be worried about the only man I have ever loved. I bet he's dreaming just like me, about his family or something more better than this reality. How am I to tell him that our baby died. I bet he'll hurt more than I do. He's going to blame himself as long as he lives, but I am going to tell him that it's not his fault. I am going to cry in his arms and tell him that he's got me and I got him. I am going to tell him that Allah s.w.t plans are greater than ours.

I am going to kiss him and tell him how much I love him.

"Halaat, Halaat..." I hear Ayat soft voice calling me. I look at her and smile. "Hmm who are you thinking of? That rare smile and I have a feeling who is behind it."

"You already know who it is, why are you asking me?"

"Haha, because my dear sister Halaat. I want to see you smile because whenever the topic is about Adam you always light up like a light bulb. Your cheeks turn pink and your tone becomes more calm and pretty. You usually sound like a robot honestly, omg do you know how annoying you sound,"

"Ayat! Don't tell your sister that," Ummi said,"It's not true Halaat your voice is perfect."

I laugh abruptly. I couldn't contain my happiness. Ayat was imitating Ummi as she talked on and on about making fun of me.

"Ummi I love you," I said enthusiastically.

"'Ana ahibbuk jiddaan abnatay(I love too my daughter)," she replied with a sweet smile on her face.

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