My Eternel Love

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Chapter Six: My Eternal Love


"Halaat I am glad you could make it," Amira said. I smiled at her as Adams glances caught my eye. "Adam highly praises you, I am glad that things ran smoothly. Now Halaat you will no longer be needed here. I will take over."

"Sure," I said. I left the office and walked into the elevator. That means I can go back to Abu Dhabi. I haven't decided yet. About Adam... I am scared to get my hopes up and have lonely nights, I am just really scared.

"Halaat," Adam calls out my name. I turn around and watch him as he approaches me. I look at him as he gathers his thoughts. "Did you think about it?" He asked.

"I need time Adam," I told him- and got in the elevator. He entered inside, I stood in silence and him too. Most of the people got out of the elevator at the third floor. It was just me and him. We were at the first floor, the elevator stopped and my hands started trembling. Not this again...

He held my hand and pulled me close to him. "It's going to be okay," he said.

"Adam did you plan this?" I asked- still in his arms.

"Hah I wish I did," he said. I couldn't let go of him, I was petrified. "I miss you."
My head laid against his chest listening to his heartbeats.

"I miss you too," I replied.

"Halaat come back home please," he said, and the elevator started moving. The elevator doors open after about eight minutes, I let go of him and rush out the elevator. I stood and thought. I love Adam, he is all I ever wanted. I can't lie to myself anymore... I don't care if I'll be in pain, as long as he is by my side I'll endure it all.

"Adam," I say his name. I turn to look at him, he stood by the elevator. I walk to him and hug him. "I love you," I say.

"I love you too," he replies.

"Adam..." Amira calls out. Adam lets go of me and holds my hand. "Halaat? What's going on?"

"Amira this is my wife," he says and looks at me. I blush.

"I am sorry what?" She says surprised.

"Yes, Halaat is my wife. We separated for a while but now we are back together," he said proudly.

"Well congratulations," she said.

"Thank you," I told her.

I went back home and told my mother everything. She was so happy for me, and she started crying and I started to cry too. Ummi is so emotional...

I called Rania and Layla and told them about Adam and I. That we are back together. They were happy for me. I called Ayat too, she started crying too.

Adam wants to get married as soon as possible. Tomorrow he said. I didn't say no, but I didn't say yes. Joy lingered on his face. He called me and told me that the Nikkah should be held tomorrow.

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