Hidden In Your Heart

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Chapter Twenty Four: Hidden In Your Heart.

Adam woke up after an hour, he came downstairs as soon as he awoke. My father in law arrived just a few minutes before Adam woke up. They went for a walk on the beach. I wonder what they are talking about. My mum and mother in law were in the kitchen, while Jamila, Ayat and I were the room. They were talking. I wasn't, I was thinking. About a lot of things really. Adam mostly.

"The wedding might be in May," Jamila spoke. Not knowing if she spoke to me or Ayat. I still remained quiet. "Halaat...Halaat."

"Ha?" I reply. Jamila moves closer to me and holds my hand.

"The doctor told me that Adam was saying your name while he was in the ambulance, right after the accident," Jamila spoke hopefully.

"He did?" I ask her. She nodded her head to indicate "yes". I look at her and I simply smile.

"Don't worry he'll remember soon," Jamila said.

"Insha Allah," I reply. My bracelet...The one Adam gave me. The gift he gave me when we were in Dubai. It's not on my wrist. Maybe Ummi has it. I don't remember where it is. I went to the kitchen and I asked Ummi and she told me she didn't have it.

The bracelet means a lot to me. And besides I need something to worry about other than life.

I go upstairs and go to my room and search for it. I look for it everywhere, I didn't find it. I sat on the bed, trying to think where it could be. At the hospital or maybe at my in laws place. The door slowly opens and I see Adam standing and staring at me. I quickly stand up, he enters the room and closes the door. I stare at him, studying his every move.

"I can leave..." I mumbled.

"No. I have been meaning to talk to you," he says walking closer to me.

"What about?" I tried to ask casually.

"About our relationship," he says steadfastly. He stood in front of me his breathing intimidating my heart, he holds my hand. I look at him and I get lost once again in his grey eyes that show nothing but mystery. My eyes still fixed at his face. He is still holding my hand, he lets go. And I stay still. I follow his careful movements. He puts his hand in his pocket and removed a bracelet. My bracelet, the one he gave me in Dubai.

The same one that has I love you written in Arabic. I stare at the bracelet and joy takes over my heart. I give him my hand and he makes me wear it. He lets go of my hand and walks towards the sofa and sits.

"The nurse gave it to me, she told me it's yours. It was misplaced," He said. I turn and look at him.

"I was looking for it, it means a lot to me. Thank you," I said.

"No problem. My mother told me that you were looking for it. But I wonder why a simple bracelet has so much meaning to you when it can be replaced," he spoke.

"It has sentimental value to me," I said while fidgeting with bracelet." You actually gave it to me."

"Please sit Halaat," he said. I sat on the bed and not next to him. I can't even talk to him the same. It's different. He makes me feel like I am sinning, as I stare at him while he talks.

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