Precious Than Gold

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Chapter Sixteen: Precious Than Gold.

The past can't be changed, forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted.

Halaat's POV.

The silence is killing me. I haven't talked to my sister for three days. We only greet each other and that's all. She's been ignoring me, I have tried making small talk. But I can't get her attention. What have I done? I am enduring Ayats silence. This is the first time and I hate it.

I have to talk to her and make things right. I looked out of my bed room window and I saw her in the garden talking on the phone. When I got to the garden she was done with the phone call.

"Assalam alaykum," I greeted her.

"Walikum Salam," she replied looking at the ground.

"I am sorry Ayat, if only I had known."

"It's okay Halaat ," she said.

"I am sorry, it's just that..."

"Halaat stop I said it's okay," she glanced at me and walked away.

"If it's okay, why aren't you talking to me? You haven't forgiven me Ayat," I told her.

"Halaat stop!" Ayat yelled," Just stop. Since you were born I made sure to always care for you, it was always about your happiness... I only shared my happiness with you. I loved that I got a little sister to share secrets with, to play dress up and love..."

"But we always shared secrets. I can handle the truth Ayat, I am not a kid anymore," I argued out interrupting her.

"Halaat this wasn't a silly secret this is my life, it happened to me. I have accepted my past even though I am haunted by it everyday. I didn't tell you because I was protecting you."

"Protecting me from what?"

"Protecting you from the bitter part of world. I know you Halaat, when  father left us you thought all men were not trust worthy and evil. What if I had told you I was raped. You would have shut down your emotions. It was my decision not to tell you and I don't regret it," she explained.

"Ayat you're my sister and I love you. You know me more than I'll ever know myself. But you won't always be able to protect me from the world," I explained.

Ayat kept quiet. I knew what that meant. Whenever Ayat is angry or sad, she remains quiet her silence is her scream.
I walked away, I couldn't stay any longer. I decided today I'll have to go to my in laws. So I got dressed and my suitcases were taken to the car. It's time for me to go to my new home.

I hugged my mother goodbye. Ayat was in the living room and I told her I was leaving. All she did was nod and fake a smile. 'With time Halaat, with time.' I kept repeating it to myself. I got into my car and drove off. I missed driving, in Dubai I never got a chance to drive. It was either Adam driving or the chauffeur.

As I was sitting in my car, waiting for the traffic light to go green. I got a notification from the period calendar, the app that tracks my cycle.
I just realised that I haven't gotten my period. Does this mean I might be pregnant, it had been a month. I have to do a test to clear my doubt.

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