Dreams Do Come True

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Chapter Five: Dreams Do Come True.

"Did you get that Miss Halaat?"

"Uh y-es," I stammered as my mind shifted from texting to listening to him.

"You really don't want to be here," he stated. I glanced at him and looked away. Obviously I don't want to be here. All I do is watch him work. It's ridiculous. Everyday in the afternoon I come by his office and sit almost idol as I get lost in my thoughts. As the same question keeps on popping up. Why am I here?

He stood up and told to me to follow him. Well this is new. I walked behind him, we got in the elevator. We were out of the building and in the parking lot. He turned around and looked at me. "Now that we are out of the office buliding we can stop talking about work. My wife ..." he said. I look at him surprised and shocked. I froze as his grey eyes studied my face. I took a step back.

"We got divorced," I said in a low tone.

"And we were also in an accident together," he said. I looked at him as I battled my self not to break down and cry. I walked passing him. I was walking away. When I felt his grip on my arm. He pulled me close to him, so very close. I looked down, as my mind was calculating possibilities of Adam remembering me, and what I should say.

He kissed me on the cheek, softly. Tears slowly tricked down my cheek. "I missed you Halaat," he said. His hand still holding my arm. I looked at him and only joy lingered in my thoughts. I hugged him and I was his again.

Beep* Beep*

I woke up and switched of the alarm. I dreamt of Adam again... I sat on my bed feeling remorse. That would never happen I thought to my self, it's just a dream. I got up went to do ablution and prayed.

I have been going to Adams office, seeing him almost everyday unable to have personal conversations. Only business. Glances and quiet thoughts.

It's sunday, I have planned on going out. I dressed up and made breakfast. Ummi is still asleep.

I was out of the house by 8:00 o'clock. I drove around Kuwait. I decided to go to the beach house, hoping he hasn't sold the place. I reached the house and found Adam's car parked out side.

I got out of the car and walked towards the door. I rang the door bell but nobody answered. I opened the door - it wasn't closed. I got in. The house almost empty with no furniture and really dusty.

I went to the upstairs and heard soft cries coming from once used to be the baby's room. I said a dua I honestly thought it was a ghost. I slowly opened the door, and see the back of a man. "Hello," I said. He quickly stood up and gathered himself. And when he turned around. My eyes widened and my heart fluttered. Adam...

"What are you doing here Halaat?" He asked harshly.

"I - I just wanted to see if..." unable to finish my sentence. I notice the baby cloth that he is holding. I walked towards him. "Are you okay" I asked. I looked into his  red puffy eyes. It looks like he as been crying for a while. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

He hugged me - suddenly. "I am so sorry," he said. "Please forgive me." He stopped hugging me. I look at him speechless. I look around all the baby things are still here.

"It's okay," I said. "You remember don't you?" I asked. He nodded to indicate a yes. Is this another dream? Because it felt like it. I walked away from him. I headed for the beach. I am not mentally prepared for this, I don't know what to say or do.

I sat on the staircase that leads to the beach. Tears slowly falling. "Halaat," he says my name . Though I couldn't face him now, I just need to think. Right now my emotions are all over the place. "I was planning to tell you..." he said. I stood up and went down the stairs. I was standing on sand now. I walked towards the ocean. Grey clouds, windy, a chilled atmosphere. It looked like it's about to rain.

He followed me and I could feel his presence behind me. "I am sorry," he said.

"I said it's okay."

"You have been through so much pain because of me."

"You have no idea."

"I'll make it up to you. We will get married again and we will be happy and you will never suffer. I promise,"

I turned around and looked at him. How desperate he was to call me his again.

"No." I said no, it took all of my strength just to say that one word. My heart ached. I have never seen Adam in tears. He is promising me a fairy tale, I don't believe in those any more. Never suffer? Pain demands to be felt. Always happy? That is just a phrase.

"Halaat I love you,"

"So what! I have loved even when you didn't want me, when you divorced me. I have loved you all year along. I have always loved you," I spoke my tone higher than his.

He kept quiet and so did I. "I don't know what to say. Except I am sorry for everything I have done to you," he said.

I am being too harsh aren't I? It's not his fault. It's his fate, like me marying him and losing my child. I am just heart broken for all that happened. All this is overwhelming.

I missed him so much, every day of my life. I did. Now that he remembers me, I am just suppose to run back to him. Like nothing changed.

"It's not your fault," I said.

"I know you hate me."

"I don't hate you. I can't make any decisions now..."

"Take your time. I'll wait even if it takes a life time."

"You won't have to wait for long," I said.

One day without Adam felt like eternity. I won't let him suffer. He doesn't deserve that. I just need time.

I couldn't get myself to open the door of the car. I froze, rethinking every word I said to Adam. My heart found no peace in my flashing memories. It started raining - heavily. I quickly got in the car.

Now he remembers.

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