Nobody Compares To You

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Chapter Four: Nobody Compares To You

"Have you packed your other abaya?" Ummi asked

"Not yet," I shouted.

"Halaat we are getting late. The flight is at two o'clock it's twelve fifty,"  my mum explained.
Ummi has to be on time, she hates being late wherever she goes.

I close my suitcase and place it near the door. I counter check everything. Alhamdulliah I am ready. I am leaving for Kuwait today. Ummi thought best to leave earlier, she said before I start working I should spend time home. With her and I get time to relax.

Layla came with us to the Airport, we took a taxi there. She was so sad, tears filled her eyes. I hugged her, one to many times. I am surely going to miss her.

"Khalo Halaat!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around it's Haris. The cutest six year old in the world, he runs to me and hugs me tight. I kneel down and hug him again. Imad amd Rania also came. Rani hugged me, and also started to sob. Imad was 'busy' on his phone. I didn't look at him for too long. Just a glimpse.

Ummi was so disappointed when I told her about broken engagement, and unsure hearts. It felt like I took all hope from her life.
I guess he will just remain my "What if..." .

They all escorted me to the check in. I hugged them on last time. Layla and Rania, my best friends and Haris. Tears fall from eyes and I start to laugh, so things don't seem so gloomy.

"Don't worry guys I'll be back in one month," I said assuringly.

"I am going to miss you so much," Layla said. Haris held my hand and didn't want to let go. He kept on asking where I was going and why.

"I'll miss you guys the most," I said almost teary.  We had our final group hug. I hugged Haris, the little boy whom always knows how to make laugh. I hug him and tell him a joke. He loves jokes. I wave good- bye and stand in the check in - line. I could see Imad's remorseful eyes starring at me. I faintly smiled and looked away.

We waited in the launch room for about twenty minutes. It's time for departure and we boarded our flight. Our flight back home.

The flight was good, not tiring. We got to Kuwait in the evening. We took a taxi home. Home-Sweet-Home, my heart said. I check my phone, 50 messages. Hah.

We got in the house, nothing has changed except for Hussein's presence. He is in America with Ayat, studying in a university. Hussein knows the truth about Ayat being his real mother. He was very confused.

I was there and it was very confusing for all of us. Especially Hussein. He started calling me Aunty Halaat. I glared at him, he changed his statement there and than. Hah Hussein...

Hussein was so understanding and caring. He hugged Ayat. It was such a heartfelt moment. I  miss him though, the house is so quiet without him.

I go to my room and put my suitcase-everything is the way it is. I head down stairs. Ummi is on the couch resting. I go to the kitchen and decided to make a meal. Rice and Curry, I decided.

I laid the table, I kept the plate and glass. And placed the food on the table. I woke Ummi up and told her food is ready.

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