Tell All...

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Chapter Fifteen: Tell All...

Halaat's POV.

The next day Ayat called and told me that she's in Kuwait with her husband Fahim. They had just arrived from America early in the morning and came home straight away. Fahim is the best brother in law. His charming personality, funny jokes and stories about business deals. He is an interesting guy.

Ummi is still in her room, I guess she's still sleeping. Ummi has to undergo iddah ( a period of waiting). As she must observe the death of her husband my father. Ayat and her husband are in the guest room,resting. Hussein and I are in the kitchen having breakfast. Hussein was telling me his plan, of how he was going take over my room, I started laughing and I almost chocked on the food I was eating. He was also asked about father. After breakfast I decided to go back to my room and call Adam. As I was walking towards my room. I noticed my mothers door slightly open, I heard my mothers voice.

"They must never find out." I heard my mother's commanding voice. Yes I eavesdropped, but I didn't mean too. I walked away and went to my bed room. I wonder who she was talking too.

I walked into my room and I immediately noticed a small brown plain box sitting on my bed. I haven't seen it before. I walked towards the box and opened it. They were letters in the box. All of them had the same thing written on the envelope, To Halaat. As I was removing one of the letter, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back and it's Ayat.

"Ummi told me that his things were brought here a few days ago. It seems father wrote you letters," Ayat said.

"Did you get letters?" I asked curiously.

"Yes I did," she said in a low voice.

"I'll leave you to read in peace," she said. Ayat than left the room.

I sat on my bed and opened one of the letter and started reading. Half way through the letter I was almost in tears.

Dear Halaat,
Assalam alaykum, I hope you are good. Ummi told me that you have already started working and you got married, mabruk. Do you still eat sweets before you go to sleep? Maybe you've grown out of it.

If you are reading this letter, that means I am dead. I know you must hate me, but let me explain. I had to leave because I was sick, I was dying. I had coronary heart disease. And I had to be treated. I didn't have the strength to tell you that I am going to die sooner or later. After the treatments, my condition improved but the doctors told me they wanted to monitor me. I only had the pictures of you Ummi sent me, to remember you.

I haven't seen you for thirteen years. I was in misery without hearing your complains about your sister and school. I wasn't strong enough to talk to you after all these years, I know you hate me. I hope you understand and forgive Ummi and me. I just couldn't let you go through a life with a weak father. When I finished my surgery, I was advised to stay in a quiet, peaceful place. Any loud noises could affect my heart condition and it could get worse. I had to remain in London. I always prayed that one day I come across your face, just get a glimpse. I always wanted to come back one day when I got better. But it seems God planned otherwise and he is the best of planners. My money will be in your bank account, hopefully the lawyers have done the necessary. Money won't prove how much I love you but I hope my words will. keep me in your prayers.

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