Memory Lane

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Chapter Fourteen: Memory Lane


"Baba (father)!" A ten year old Halaat screaming while running.

"Naam amyrti (my princess),"A wise croaky voice replied.

"Ummi said I can't eat the sweets you bought for me,"

"She is right it's almost dinner time but since you have been a good girl I'll give you just one sweet before you go to sleep and don't tell Ummi. This will be our secret,"


And that was the only secret that my father and I shared. I was my father's favourite daughter, I was daddy's little princess. Ayat was closer to my mum than my dad. As for my brother Hussein he barely remembers the man who he used to call father.

Now he's dead and I never got a chance to get angry at him and to tell him how much I missed him and how much I love him. And tell him that I forgive him.

I have to go to Kuwait, my mother must be devastated. Adam is still dealing with the company's problem. Adam has to stay and I have to leave as soon as possible.

Halaat's Mum POV.

I can't seem to stop myself from crying. I didn't get a chance to tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him. He's dead, and now I am widow. I never divorced my husband, we were separated for so many years but never once did I feel abandoned. I had Ayat's smile, Halaat's brown eyes and Hussein, to remind me of my dear husband Abdul Malik.

I begged him to stay, I begged and cried but he already made his decision. I told him that I would take care of him. He said that he doesn't want his fate to ruin the family's happiness. But he never realised that he was the happiness of the family.

No one knows the truth about why he left and that is only because he made me swear to never speak of it as long as his alive. The night he left, I noticed the tears in his eyes. I knew he was hurt but I had to let him go. He left and never looked back. His love existed through the money he paid for our needs and luxuries. From the education to the holiday trips, he was the one who paid.

Before he left he kissed me on the forehead and told me ... "My dear wife Khadija, take care of the children." He left me in tears but I had to be strong for the family and him.

I know it's time to tell my children the truth, I hope they will forgive their father. Oh I wish he never left...

Adam's  POV.

Halaat told me that she needs to leave and go back to Kuwait. I realised her different mood lately, maybe it's because her father's death. She's not been eating well.

She's lost some weight, and at times she wakes up in the middle of the night and vomits. She's also been complaining about back pains. I teased her and tell her that she's growing old. But I am also worried, I told her that we should visit the doctor but she doesn't want too.

Halaat needs to go to Kuwait and I need to stay in Dubai. As soon as I am done with the trials, I'll go back to Kuwait. She has decided to leave for Kuwait tomorrow. I am going to miss her but she needs to go. I got back to the penthouse and Halaat was packing her suitcase.

"Assalam alaykum," I greeted her.

"Walikum Salam,"she replied.

"I am going to miss you,"

"I'll miss you too,"

"I am going to miss making you smile,"

"Haha don't worry I'll call you and I'll face time with you everyday until you are where I am,"

"My mind is already full of you,"

"I love you Adam," she said.

"I love you too."

I walked towards her and she looked at me with her kind brown eyes. I than kissed her on the cheek. I was sure going to miss her.

The next day...

Halaat's POV

We woke up early in the morning my flight is at six. Adam drove me to the airport, he got into the jet with me.

"Take care,"Adam told me and hugged me.

"I love you too," I said enthusiastically. He walked away with a smile on his face 
and got out of the private jet.

I sat in my sit and started thinking about the ten million. I still didn't know who sent the money in my account. I got a call from the bank saying that, the money placed in my account is from an anonymous ID. But they told me that they will find out who it is. I fall asleep during the flight. The pilot announced our arrival in Kuwait.

As soon I we landed in the airport, I got into the car and I was taken straight to my home. I decided I'll go home first than my in laws place. I called my mother in law and informed her. The driver dropped at my house. I got inside the house and everything was still, dark and gloomy.

I searched the house, looking for mum. I finally found her in the garden drinking tea. I greeted her and kissed her on the forehead.

"How are you Ummi?"

"Alhamdulliah,"she replied short brief. I noticed her red, teary and almost lifeless eyes. I sat besides her and held her hand.

Sometimes it's not always about the words, sometimes it's best to remain silent...


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