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The rest of the day moved by really boring. I didn't see Brett for the rest of the day (raise of hand - my fault I guess). At lunch I had asked Joey if he saw Brett today,he said Brett said he was sick and went home.

Did that even make sense? I mean come on it was just a joke,a prank for a prank(what goes around comes back around). He practically started it so I finished it with my half of a plan to get him back.

He's just a big baby now but there's still his other half you know the badass, cocky,charming side of him is still there to be as for long as it takes.

Actually its the end of school. Time to free myself from these chains called pressure and devil teachers and spend the remaining hours free until am chained again. 

"Hey Cass!" Tracey shouted signaling me over to where her car was parked with Zoe standing beside her. I make my towards  them but stop to tell Joey to wait for me not that he would leave me.

"Hey wassup!"

"Are you okay? You seem a little down lately after what happened with Brett"

"Oh am fine"

"Ok then" Trace replied giving me a hug Zoe following the same after.

The car drive was silent for a couple of minutes. "Hey,you okay?" Joey asked with concern laced in his voice. He must be really concerned because I haven't spoken a lot today except for when I asked him about Brett and I really don't know why because am very outspoken. It can't be what I pulled on Brett can it?
"Yea am fine'' I replied for the second time today.

" You don't look fine to me. Is it what you did to Brett?"

I shrugged. I really don't know. I took a side glance at my brother but he's on with his ' thinking face ' coming to a conclusion or solution he snapped his fingers when he has the answer and his face grows bright as light.

"I have an idea that'll cheer you up!"

"And what's that" ,if ice creams not mentioned then that idea SUCKS.

"Let's go to our favorite ice cream place"
YESSS!!! I mentally squealed with excitement. If anything can make me feel better its ice cream. I could eat a whole factory if it was the case.

"Okay then what are you waiting for!" I cheered. "Oh yea you're paying."

He just chuckled at my behavior. "No seriously you're paying" I said a little serious. He knows that am not really serious,who cares,who cares (in my case)as long as in have my creamy goodness. Instead of continuing on the same route he turned for the highway.


A few minutes later we arrived at my favorite ice cream place.
I remembered the first time being here with Joey.
Mom where are we going my tiny voice asked. Am going to treat my babies.
Where? Joeys tiny voice asked. Here.
Mom walked both of us inside me holding her right hand and Joey the other hand. When we entered inside all we saw was kids, adults and ice cream.
Mom are we gonna get ice cream? Yes sweetheart
Yayyy!!Joey and I jumped up and down in unison
Mom brought us over to the counter. Which ice cream do you want sweetheart mom asked. with out thinking twice I said cookie n' cream and Joey took vanilla with chocolate shavings.
After we finished eating we sat there for a while we realized that there wasa park facing us,mom can we go play?Joey askedSure I'll take you. We went and played and played until our hearts contents.
I smiled at the memory. Joey and I come hear recently ,when we need time to spend with each other and when we need to relax and to think.

My Prize Is The Bad boy (Complete ✔) Slow EditingWhere stories live. Discover now