Enjoy Hell You Assholes... Although You Probably Will

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My heart stopped for a moment and I think so did Cass' too because I had to tighten my grip on her hand and slide my hands around her waist real fast before she fell.

"Let's get some more gunpowder. No one's leaving here alive especially him"

My head turned in every direction in the room searching for a hiding place we all could hide at, then my eyes caught a door behind Justin's big head.

"Go,go"I whispered-yell, pointing at the door behind Justin's head. Everyone scramble towards the door that could possibly save us.

I grab Zoe's body bridal style running towards the door. Damn she weighs a tonne, well dead. The door to this room closes as the door to the other room opens.

"I was hoping they'd be in here"someone says from the other room. The truth is we were in the room only separated by this saving door.

This was a bathroom and we were all huddled up together. By the looks of this bathroom, I don't think anyone would want to touch the walls. I can't even imagine what they do in this place. Bleh.

My eyes scan the room and once again a miracle happened. Another door was there. I wonder were it lead to?

I shifted Zoe's body placing it over my shoulders so I could have a use of one of my hands with the gunpowder and the match box.

"Here"I whispered to Cass handing her the match box. Everyone started to rip a part of the box, big enough for a good amount of powder to fall.

I shove Cass with my hip softly getting her attention to me. I nodded towards the other door and her eyes widen but a frown made its way to her beautiful face.

I know what she's thinking. Why's there so many doors in this place? Hopefully this one leads us to freedom.

Justin sees Cass gaze and turn. Once again, he was standing infront of the door. Justin your head is a door solver, ofcourse I wouldn't say that loud, it grow his ego.

He slowly pulled the door open as we heard the voices quietening down which means they're leaving and the stupid door had to make the loudest creak ever.

I cringe and so did everyone else. My eyes widen when the voices became louder and directed to this room.

"Go!"I shouted. Everyone turned their boxes upside down so the powder falls on the ground and started running as I heard the door open for this room.

Everyone else was infront of me and we're running a good distance with the powder falling covering the ground in its color.

I ran as fast as my legs could manage and with Zoe's body it's not really easy.

I could hear the heavy footsteps behind us.

"Go! Go! Don't stop!"I shouted, panting but I never gave up.

We were running down a dark tunnel a dim light being our only source of light.

My feet is killing me. When I thought I was about to succumb to stopping I see another door and light coming from the holes in it.

Joey was infront of everyone else so he dragged the door with all his might open and dropped his box right at the door and so does everyone else. I drop my box as I enter the blinding light of the sun.


"If you step one more step back, your mom's dead, just like your girlfriend's mother and that dead chick on you"that set an alarm in me of anger, he's bluffing. He couldn't possibly know we're my mother is could he?

My feet moved on its own and I stepped back. t the corner of my eyes I see Cass carefully taking a match out. None of them realize that they were standing on gunpowder and their life is about to end. He did the right thing too. Bringing all his men's with him.

My Prize Is The Bad boy (Complete ✔) Slow EditingWhere stories live. Discover now