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We pulled up on the drive and I jumped out of the car, following Brandon inside as he unlocked the door. I walked inside and was welcomed by Elliott, who was sat at the table in the living room on his laptop

Brandon put his arm around me and slapped my face jokingly as he did so "She's got my approval on Matt"

I held my head high and flicked my hair "I'm off to shower, I'll be down soon"


Something just doesn't seem right about Matt. I'm not telling Alexa just yet, I don't want her to cause a scene

She flicked her hair and held her head in the air "I'm off to shower, I'll be down soon"

Alexa headed upstairs and I took the chance to have a meeting with my brothers about Matt

"Somethings not right about Matt. I can feel it" I admitted

"I did see him talking to some girl just before we got to college. Alexa didn't seem too pleased but she hasn't spoken about it. I don't know what happened but I thought it's worth knowing" Luke replied to me

There's just something not sitting right about Matt, and I can't quite put my finger on it....

"Luke, try and see if there's anything strange about him on his social media" I ordered

Luke nodded "Will do"

I just want to protect Alexa, make sure she's not getting herself into anything she shouldn't be

"They've been together a short time, and Alexa is singing his praises. He's a good guy, don't be too harsh" whispered Elliott

I heard Alexa come downstairs, she had changed into some pyjamas and was glued onto her phone, smiling at whatever was on the screen

"Whatcha smiling about?" I asked

"Matt" she mumbled, not looking back up from her phone and texting

"What's he said?" Corey asked

"Huh?" Alexa looked up from her phone "Oh just cute stuff"

I swiped Alexa's phone from her hands and began to read all the messages, she didn't like me doing this as she got mad quite quickly

"BRANDON GIVE ME MY PHONE PLEASE" she tried to grab it off me, but I was clinging onto it trying to read all the messages

"You've got nothing to hide?" I questioned her

She shook her head "Why would I?"

"Then you won't mind us looking" Elliott jumped out of his seat to look at the messages with me

"You're so annoying" she groaned, flopping on the sofa and sighing

"It's just what any good brothers do! Matt even said he would do the same" I shrugged

As I read through the messages, they seemed ok. The two were going back and forth just having your usual boyfriend-girlfriend chats, nothing seemed to stick out at me

I gave her the phone back and she grabbed it quickly "See? That wasn't too bad?" I teased

"You should still trust me" she mumbled

"Woah woah woah. Stand up and put your phone down" I ordered

She looked up at me confused, but did as I asked

"I think you need to get it into that brain of yours" I pointed at her head "That we care about you! All of this is for you, Alexa. It would be nice for you to start being thankful for us making sure you're okay, because there's plenty of brothers out there who don't care what their sisters are getting up to"

"I know I know and I am, in a small way,'s just so annoying that you're always on my case" she admitted

Corey jumped up and came over to us, he looked angry

"Wake up Alexa! This is getting stupid now. You're constantly angry that we make sure you're okay, but think about it, you've got nobody else do you? We're the only family you've got, so appreciate it, because you're starting to get bratty" he angrily argued, pushing Alexa

"But you control everything I do! You only let me have a boyfriend when I turned 17!" she replied back

"We care about you!!" Luke huffed

"I know I know, and I do appreciate it, honest. Thanks for always looking out for me" she smiled

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