twenty eight

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Waking up this morning, i realised I didn't really want to go out today to college, I just wanted to stay in bed for the day and watch movies in bed

"You've got to go to college today shorty" Elliott said, folding his arms and giving me the 'you will do what I say no matter what' look

"Can't I just have a duvet day instead?" I pouted "Ell please"

He shook his head "No you can't. If you don't get up in five minutes I will get Brandon"

I ignored his comment and turned away from Elliott, trying to get back to sleep. The only reason I don't want to go in today is because part of me doesn't want to see Matt; after the events of this weekend I don't know if I'm ready to face him and Abbie

Pulling me out of my thoughts, I felt two hands grab my waist and pick me up, quickly realising that Brandon had thrown me over his shoulder, I began to hit his back trying to get him to put me down

"Continue hitting, and you'll be sorry" he snapped, carrying me downstairs and to the kitchen

"I don't want to go in to college!" I huffed, as he put me down on the kitchen floor

Brandon grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him "Stop acting so childish. You will go to college and will be down here in 20minutes so we can leave. Get it? Got it? Good"

He was squeezing my arm tightly, it began to hurt. Quickly I nodded and he let go, pushing past him, I stormed upstairs to get ready. There was no way I wanted to go to college. I just didn't feel up to it

I changed into some skinny jeans and my white Levi's top, adding a denim jacket over the top. I brushed through my hair and then went to the bathroom to wash my face and do my teeth

As I was getting ready, thoughts rushed round my mind, I decided to speak to Matt about this whole Abbie situation and how I feel about it. I need to tell him how that stupid nickname makes me feel, but also that I feel they're becoming a lot closer and I feel like him and I are somewhat drifting

"Alexa are you ready?" Luke called out

"I'm coming" I replied, grabbing my bag from my room and my vans, and hurrying downstairs

For the first time, I had no good morning text from Matt, or any text for that matter. He usually messages first on a morning, but today, there was nothing

Elliott was with us for the journey as he was starting work at 9am, as was Brandon. I stayed silent as we drove to college, just looking out of the window and thinking to myself

"You alright? You're just quieter than usual" Corey mentioned

"I'm fine" I mumbled "I mean I'd rather be at home but"

Brandon glared at me from the rear view mirror, he looked angry "Shut up Alexa and stop behaving like a 12 year old"

That's me told

We arrived at school, as I got out of the car Brandon called be back

"I don't want to get a text from you saying you don't feel well. It's about time you grow up and stop making excuses" he snapped "If I find that you come home because of this stupid situation with Matt, then I will be angry, and trust me, you will be punished for it"

I ignored him and walked away from the car, heading towards the main doors of the college

"It's gonna be a long day" I thought to myself

I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, when I realised I bumped into Abbie

"Watch it" she snapped, looking me up and down like I was something that had come off the bottom of her shoe

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