twenty two

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"You, get inside" Brandon pulled my arm, dragging me from my seat "And you, get home before it gets worse"

Without letting me speak, Brandon squeezed my arm and dragged me into the house, where all my brothers were sat waiting. They looked angry and ready to hurt me

"YOU LIED TO US" Elliott shouted

I sat on the sofa as all four brothers stood in front of me. I felt tiny, worthless, like I had messed up

"You lied to us! What if something would have happened like it did before?" Luke added

I remained silent

"Answer us" Brandon hit his fist on the coffee table

"I'm sorry...I told Corey the truth" I muttered, tears trickling down my face "That shitty deal is off, Corey! You didnt have to tell them you liar"

Brandon grabbed my arm and pulled me up, he raised his voice "COREY HAD TO TELL US! WE KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING ON WHEN YOU HADNT LEFT YOUR ROOM IN AGES"

"At least I told one of you" I answered truthfully

Elliott snatched my phone off me, I tried to reach it, but he slapped me round the face in return

I looked at him "What was that for?"

"Lying to us! Get up to bed. We will finish this tomorrow" Brandon spat, letting go of my arm

I pushed Brandon and barged past Elliott, then turned to Corey "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING"

"GET OUT OF MY FACE" Brandon shouted, pushing me back "I don't want to see you until tomorrow"

I gulped "STOP ACTING LIKE THIS IS A BIG DEAL! I'm nearly 18, I can do anything I want at 18"

Brandon grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him "I suggest you get out of our way and go to your room, I will deal with you in the morning"

I pulled my arm free, before walking away, I pushed Brandon, but he didn't fall back or wobble, he just remained angry. He pointed to the stairs, indicating for me to go up them.

Storming upstairs, I got to my room and slammed the door. I was crying uncontrollably

How had an amazing night turned so horribly wrong in seconds?

I threw myself onto my bed. My brothers really know how to get to me! I had my confidence back - I knew that with Matt, I'd be safe

I'm 17, not 7. They need to stop treating me like I'm a child


"Let me go up to see her" Corey mentioned, looking upset

I stopped him before he reached the stairs

"She's upset. Leave her to cool off"

"But I caused all of this" Corey seemed really annoyed at himself

"You didn't, don't think like that. If Alexa would have told us where she was going in advance then maybe we would have let her go" I explained

"She's 17, we need to stop treating her like shes a kid, like she can't do things for herself" Corey defended her

I listened to what he was saying, and he did have a valid point. Since Alexa was involved in an altercation with some girls in town, it broke me inside. How someone could hurt another person for no reason at all? I became super protective of her, and I made sure my brothers looked after her when I wasn't around. If anything would have happened to her tonight, I don't know what I would do. I can't bear the thought of her being in a vulnerable position, unable to fend for herself

Corey stood up and went upstairs, he didnt say anything as he left, and I didn't have chance to speak to him myself


I cried into my pillow, my makeup was ruined just like the date night. How I wish I could turn back the time, I'd change things to make sure my brothers allowed me to go out. It really sucks I have to get their "approval" before I go out

"'s me" Corey's voice was heard outside my door "Please let me come in"

I ignored him, not wanting to speak to him at all

He didn't give in, and walked into my room, sitting on my bed and stroking my back

"I'm so sorry, I messed up, please hear me out"

Wiping my eyes, I looked up at him to show I was listening

"I shouldn't have gone behind the deal and told Brandon and the others, but if something would have happened, I'd have felt responsible"

"What would Matt do? He wouldn't hurt me" I said angirly

"I don't think Brandon's a big fan of him, he thinks the lad's got something to hide" Corey explained

I shook my head "I don't care what he thinks anymore. I'm so fed up with the lot of you" I sniffled

Corey pulled me into a hug and kissed my head "I know we wind you up and we annoy you, but you don't mean that"

"You guys are the only family I've got now. I doubt mum's coming back, she hasnt even texted me to see how I'm doing" I admitted, contradicting my earlier comment

"Mum text Brandon asking how we all were" he replied "We care about you so much, you're our little sister, we love you so much! I'll speak to the guys about everything"

I rested my head on his chest

"Are we all sorted?" Luke's voice made me jump

Behind me stood Brandon, Elliott and Luke, they came and stood in front of us, Brandon knelt down and put his hand on my hand

"Is everything okay?" he asked

"I guess, maybe, I dunno" I admitted "Just a lot has happened tonight"

"In my opinion, we need to consider the fact that Alexa is nearly a legal adult. I know stuff has happened in the past, and it impacted us all, but her confidence grew back and she's ok now. I think we need to give her some breathing space" Corey explained

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief

Elliott and Brandon looked at each other and nodded as if they were connecting telepathically

"I agree with that" Luke said

"Me too" Elliott added "You're always gonna be our little sister even if you're 17 or 27"

"Thanks guys, I know you care, but a bit of breathing space would be good" I admitted

Corey ruffled my hair "I love ya kiddo"

"I love you guys too"

Within our household, we've learnt that you can't hold grudges forever. Brandon always said it's awful to end the evening on an argument, always end on a positive. Never go to sleep angry, because you never know if you or the person you're mad at will wake up the next morning. Always forgive because you never know if you'll talk to them again. Things happen. Get over it. Always forgive. You may not forget but it's better than knowing you'll never be able to say sorry, or I love you again.

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