fifty one

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The rest of the day was spent watching telly, as Mum and Mark were catching up on their sleep, we didn't really want to do anything

Since England won 4-2, we celebrated by ordering a takeaway and a few beers, apart from Alexa, who I made sure was on fizzy pop, and fizzy pop only

No way will I let my 17 year-old sister taste even a drop of alcohol, she's only got a few months until she's 18 and can legally drink here in the UK

"That was a very good game" Corey grinned, shoving a mouthful of pizza in his mouth "We have a good team though, that's why we win all the time"

"I second that, little bro" Elliott agreed with him "I think we have Pickford to thank for saving all the goals"

Alexa huffed "Can you two stop talking about football and speak of something we can ALL discuss maybe?"

I glared at her "No, the game has just been on. Sit quietly and wait until we are finished"

She gulped and sighed, obeying me and sitting silently. It really irritates me when she gets all fussy about us talking about football, its something we enjoy watching and discussing, if she wants to talk she can wait her turn and then speak of whatever interests her, usually it's boring so I switch off and ignore her

By now, most of the day had passed and it was around 6pm, the day flew by considering we hadn't really done a lot

"Since none of you are talking to me, I'm off for a bath and bed. Night losers" Alexa muttered, getting up and walking upstairs

"Oh come on Alexa, don't get all emotional" Luke called

She glanced over at us "I'm not, I don't want to talk about football so rather than sitting there silently I may as well have a bath and sleep. See you in the morning"

I rolled my eyes "Her mood swings are getting really regular at the minute"

"Leave her" Elliott brushed it off "She's a typical teenager"

I agreed with my brother and decided to just leave her be, the mood swings are becoming a real issue now, so we may as well ignore her and leave her to go from happy, to sad, to angry in a matter of moments

"On another topic, when's Mum's wedding?" Corey chirped

"Next year, April/May time I believe" I replied

He raised an eyebrow "That's ages away"

I patted his back "Mate, weddings are planned in advance all the time!"

Corey laughed to himself "I know...I'm just saying it's ages away! Lukey and me might not even be in the same city anymore"


Mark had finished in the bathroom and was fast asleep with Mum. I took the chance and went into the bathroom myself for a long shower, as I wasn't in the mood for a bath anymore

As I stood under the hot water, I began to wash my body and hair; I thought to myself about Mark, he seems like a genuinely nice guy, who cares about me despite only knowing me 12 hours

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