twenty five

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"I replied to mum's text" Brandon waved his phone in the air "Want to hear what I said? I messaged her privately"

"Go on..." Elliott ushered the eldest brother

Brandon cleared his throat and began to read

"Hello mum, it is nice of you to take the time to message us. I know you are busy over there and are having a good time. Whilst we all miss you, we can all agree that we are happy for you. I am glad that you have found someone whom you can spend the rest of your life with, and won't have to have any worries. So long as you are happy, then so are we. Mum, we all miss you a lot. Growing up without you being around 24/7 is hard for us all, but I do honestly think that its bought us somewhat closer. No matter what happens mum, we are all still a family, even if you are always going on holidays, being the age I am now, I realise how hard you must have found it, emotionally, physically, financially...thank you for trying your hardest, you always did your best and made sure we were okay - in the beginning anyway. Enjoy the rest of your trip, congrats on the engagement I guess! Sending our love always, kiss kiss kiss"

Brandon sending that message actually seemed like it was a nice message, it wasn't having a dig at mum or upsetting her. He was just stating the facts in a nice way.

I decided to check my own phone, just to see if I had any messages or calls, I quickly realised I had received ten missed texts and calls from Matt. How had I missed these earlier?

The texts were one after another -

Is everything okay?xx

I'm so sorry, I feel this is all my fault xx

I love you xx

Abbie and I are out to the library tomorrow, (Sunday) to work on the project, we need to get it completed soon or we will fail the unit. Text me when you see this xx

The rest were just missed calls. It's nice to know he cares about me and was worried. I should hope so though, he is my boyfriend after all! I quickly tapped a reply

Hey Matty, I am so sorry. Brandon took my phone off me, but we spoke and they have forgiven me. I'm sorry it ended that way...I'll see you at college tomorrow. Enjoy working with Abbie :/ I'd rather not work with her if it was up to me. I love you xx

I hit send and waited. I would hate to have to work with Abbie, she's a selfish person who just wants to ruin everyone's lives

"Hows about we all do something today?" Luke suggested "Grab some lunch or something out in Town?"

"You treating us Luke?" I teased

"Ha ha ha very funny" he sarcastically replied

Brandon said he thought it was a good idea to go our for the day, spend a bit of time together really. Elliott came up with the idea of going to an 'all you can eat buffet', which in my eyes isn't too bad of an idea

"Go on guys and get ready. We will leave around 1pm ish" Brandon organised the timings, giving us around half an hour to get ready

As I began to get changed, Matt still hadn't text me back, I only assumed he was too busy working on the project, or maybe he had put his phone on silent as he was in the library

I brushed it off, and decided to myself that if I hadn't had a reply by 2pm I would go to the library and talk to him. Last night wasn't supposed to have ended like that, with me being caught and stuff. We needed to talk and I wanted to reassure him that I am fine. The words of Brandon, claiming that Matt has something to hide, were ringing in my head...

My pyjamas were thrown in my laundry basket, in exchange for a nice outfit for today; consisting of a black and white striped t shirt dress, and as usual, my vans. I left my hair natural and applied a small amount of makeup, as it was warm outside and I didn't want it 'melting' off my face

"Ooooh you look nice" Luke mentioned as I walked downstairs

I grinned "Awh thanks Lukey! You can be so nice sometimes"

He hit my arm playfully "Do I look nice?" he pouted

"Oh beautiful" I sarcastically replied

He pretended to flip his hair "What can I say? I was born this way!"

One by one, the remaining siblings joined us downstairs, all of us ready to stuff our faces at the buffet

"I'M CALLING SHOTGUN" I called out, before we had even left the house

"You wish you were American huh? Shotgun? We live in England silly" Brandon teased

I didn't realise I had started using the word shotgun, it's something my brothers and I just picked up from the American movies

Elliott usually loves sitting up front, but today was different; he didn't throw me over his shoulder, nor did he push me out of the way or start to argue with me, he just let me sit up front with Brandon

"Why no fighting huh?" I hit him on the back with the palm of my hand

He shrugged "Who said we won't fight later?"

I could tell from his facial expressions he was trying so hard not to laugh, but it didn't work, as he cracked a smile "Ok..ok..we will fight tonight. Right now all I can think of is this food!"

And with that, we made our way down to the city for our lunch

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