fifty three

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Here we are again, back at the airport saying goodbye to Mum and Mark. As we stood near the gates, I wrapped my arms around Mum and sighed. She's going to California for two weeks with Mark, she promised it's their last holiday until their honeymoon without us

"I'll see you in two weeks baby girl" Mum kissed my head "I love you always"

"I love you too Mum" I kissed her cheek

I then gave Mark a hug, he returned it and kissed the top of my head "Stay safe Alexa"

"I will, you too! Enjoy your trip guys" I reminded them, as I left my brothers to hug them and say their goodbyes

Brandon said his goodbyes and gave his hugs, then returned back over to me and stood beside me, resting his arm on my shoulder

"You alright kiddo?" he asked

I nodded "I'm good thanks Brands"

As Mum and Mark turned to leave, I ran over and threw my arms around her waist, burrying my face in her chest. Her arms wrapped around me and she kissed the top of my head; we stood hugging, not speaking or anything, it felt like time froze for a moment

"I was so happy when I found out I was having a girl, you're brothers and you make me so proud every day. I love you so much gorgeous girl" Mum whispered in my ear

Fighting back my tears, I looked at her in the eyes and gently replied "I love you, have an amazing time. Stay safe"

As I returned back to standing with my brothers, we waved goodbye to Mum and Mark as they left for their final trip as an engaged couple. The next time we will be stood here will be when Mum and Mark are married

Elliott threw his arm around me and Brandon "C'mon guys, lets get back home"

As a unit, the five of us headed back to the car to do the long journey again. I was in the middle of the twins, as per usual, with Elliott in shotgun and Brandon driving

We haven't had the easiest of lives, we were put into a situation at a young age when Dad left us, Mum began her trips and Brandon had to really step hpup. I believe that it has made us all stronger. It's made us realise the value of family, and that when you need them, they will be there for you

My relationship with them hasn't always been plain sailing, we've had a lot of fights, arguments, cute sibling moments and make-ups, but I know that when I need my brothers, they will be there for me and I will be there for them too. Having 4 older brothers is a funny thing, one minute they're being all over protective and the next you're fighting with them. All they have ever done is care for me and want the best for me, and I haven't always appreciated that, but slowly I am learning to

I want to remain close to my brothers, it's important to have your siblings close to you, because they are the best link to my past and the people most likely to stick with me in the future. No matter what happens I will always support them, I'll stick by them and remind them that I love them. I couldn't imagine my life without them really, even though we have had our fair share of fights, I love them a lot

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