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Will's PoV:

When I made it home yesterday, I made sure the first thing I did was set my alarm for 7:15 A.M.

I don't want to be late anymore.

When I hear my alarm beeping, I lift my arm up and turn it off. Looking at the time, it says, 7:20 A.M. Finally, I wake up with time, I think. I grab my shirt and shorts and put them on. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

I go downstairs, and make myself some cereal. When I finish eating, I check the time and it says 7:30 A.M. I quickly wash my dishes, grab my backpack and put all my homework inside. I go outside and wait for the bus.

When the bus gets to my house, I walk in and take a seat in the back.


When we get to school, I go straight to my classroom. There's already a few kids in the classroom, and Mrs. Elgort is cleaning the chalkboard. While she does that, I go to my seat. She turns, and scans the kids that are here, and sees me.

She looks at me and seems genuinely surprised. "Well Mr. Solace. You're early."

"Yes Mrs. Elgort. I thought of what you said yesterday, and decided that I didn't want to be late." 


She looked happy with herself.


A few minutes later, Nico walks in, and takes his seat behind me. I turn to look at him, and he scoffs.

"Seriously, Will," He says. "You better not follow me today."

I stifled a laugh. "And if I did?"

"Let's just say that you're mom won't recognize you when you get home."

I looked down.

"My mom is barely home."

"Well, your dad then," Nico said.

"My dad goes with my mom. They're barely home."

Nico seemed like he understood. "Sorry I mentioned it."

I looked back up. "It's fine. You didn't know." I turned back around, and Mrs. Elgort started class.


Nico's PoV:

I walk out of school, feeling guilty. I just had to say something about his parents. Of course, I'm Nico di Angelo. I ruin everything.

"Hey, Nico," I hear Will say. I turn around, and see Will with a goofy grin on his face, his blond hair everywhere.

"Hi Will," I say. He walks up to me, until he's standing right in front of me. I look down. "S-sorry about earlier," I apologize.

"Nico. You already said sorry," he says. "Nico," he says again, and lifts my chin up with his fingers. "You have nothing to be sorry for," he says, still holding my chin.

I took a shaky breath, "are you sure? I-I understand completely if you don't want to talk to me again," I say.

He actually laughs at this, and removes his fingers from my chin. "Are you trying to get rid of me, di Angelo?"

I glare at him, and he glares back.

Eventually, I give up, and sigh. "Guess not," I mumble.

He smiles triumphantly. "Thought so."

I laugh this time. "Well.. I guess I would be able to tolerate just this time, if you plan on following me," I say quietly.

Will gasped dramatically, "is the Nico di Angelo, actually saying he would tolerate me?"

I roll my eyes, and turn around, start walking and assume Will will follow me.


"So," he starts, "how's life," he says as if we were old friends that hadn't seen each other in years.

"Fine," I mumble. He gives me a toothy grin.

"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend," he says. (...GUS..) I roll my eyes once again.

"Did I say I could tolerate you?"

He chuckles.

We make it Will's house. "Hey, Nico," he says.


He fumbles with his fingers. "Do you want to do homework at my house?"

I grab my phone from my pocket, "let me check my calendar," I say sarcastically. "Mhm, I guess I could squeeze you in."

He laughs, and walks up to the front door, and I follow him. He grabs the keys from his pockets and unlocks the door.

He opens it, and I walk in, Will following behind. I look around his house, and see a kitchen in the left side, and on the right is a living room with a couch, a coffee table with some cups on it, and a tv.

"Well, welcome to my very humble home," Will mumbles while taking off his shoes. I do the same.

I go over to the couch, and sit down. Will goes to the kitchen and gets something from the fridge. He comes back holding a orange ice cream bar. He sits down next to me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Want one?" He asks.

"No thanks," I reply. He nods his head, and we start homework.


We took extra long with the homework, Will kept talking, and talking, and talking. Okay, maybe a exaggerated just a little bit. We finished, and I put my stuff back in my backpack.

"So, want to watch a movie?"


He grins and goes to a little box next to the tv, and gets out a movie. He put the movie in, grabbed the controller, sat down next to me and clicked play.


"Wow, that was pretty funny," I state. He gives me a goofy grin.

"That's right Sunshine."

I furrow my eyebrows, and say, "do not call me Sunshine."

He chuckles. "Okay, okay."

I can tell he's still gonna call me that. "Seriously Will, do not call me Sunshine," I warn.

He rolls his eyes, "oh I feel so threatened," he says sarcastically.

Anger starts bubbling up in my chest, and I clench my hands. Will notices.

"Oh, I'm sorry Nico. I won't call you Sunshine if you really don't want me to."

Still a bit angry, I stand up, my hands still clenched.

"Nico...?" I sigh.

"Sorry Will. I-I get mad easily.. I think I should go," I say.

Will looks crestfallen. "Oh... Sorry Nico."

I sigh again. "It's my fault."

I slip on my shoes, and I turn for a moment and see Will, looking sad. I open the door and walk out, not looking behind me.

A/N Wow! 1000+ words! Yay for me! Anyways, I'm trying to write longer chapters & stuffs.. I don't know if this chapter was good or not.. Pretty much a bunch of fluff.. But it'll get better! (Or should I say worse?) ;) Bye! 

edit: well i'm editing this story and cRiNgE oVeRlOaD

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