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If you haven't seen the video above a) how are you a Nico fanperson and b) go watch it.

Will's PoV:

I laugh, and then everyone's laughing. I look to my right, and see Nico staring at me. He realizes that I saw him, and he turns red. This has been happening often. Either I catch him looking at me or he catches me looking at him. It's been the same silly game for the past two months. And I'm not sure if I hate it, or love it.

Maybe both.

Nico looks away. I look away. It's the same. I look back at everyone and notice Piper looking at me with an amused face. I shrug.

"So," Percy starts, "Anything important happening?"

Everyone shrugs, and I hear that nagging thought. My Birthday is in a few days.

My eyes widen when I realize that I'll be eighteen. Frank notices.

"Will, something important happening. .?" Frank asks.

"Um. ." Everyone stares at me. I cough awkwardly. "Nothing too important. . Just my Birthday, but uh. ."

"Will, are you kidding? Your Birthday is important!" Jason states. Everyone agrees.

"So, you're turning eighteen?" Calypso asks.


"I can't believe you didn't tell us." Piper says.

"I didn't remember until now," I say.

"Sure," Leo says, and everyone laughs.

But I feel a voice missing. I look to my right, and but once again he's staring at me. This time, his face holds a different emotion, was that a little anger? He scowls and looks away, shaking his head and I can't help but feel a little hurt.

Why is he mad?

Nico's PoV:

He looks at me. I scowl, look away, shaking my head.

I can't believe he didn't tell me. He's one of my best friends, and he didn't even bother saying, "Oh hey Nico, my Birthday's coming up!"

He better not think for I second I believe that "I didn't remember until now." I know he remembered. I know him better then that.

"So Will, when is your birthday?" Reyna asks.

"Oh um, the nineteenth," Will says, and I can sense he's looking at me.

"Really, Will? Your birthday is in four days!" Annabeth exclaims.

"Yeah. ." He says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse at Will. He's still looking at me.

I feel my phone buzz. I get my phone from my pocket, and see who messaged me.

One new message from: Jason

I look up and see Jason looking at me, concerned.

J: you okay Neeks?
(4:34 pm)

I've gotten used to the nickname.

N: I'm fine Jason
(4:35 pm)
J: you don't seem fine
(4:35 pm)
J: do I need to kill someone
(4:35 pm)
N: No Jason
(4:36 pm)
N: I said I'm fine
(4:36 pm)
J: Err I'll leave you alone
(4:37 pm)
J: for now
(4:37 pm)
J: just so you know, I don't believe you.
(4:37 pm)

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