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Nico's PoV (trigger warning):

Thalia begins leading us around. She's mostly talking to Jason, Annabeth, and Percy.

Meanwhile, Frank and H upazel are talking. Though they mostly just blush.

Reyna is walking next to Will and me, but she isn't saying anything. 

"Nico. ." Will starts. "What happened?"

I try to act dumb. "What do you mean?" I ask casually.

"I mean, why is your face tanner than usual?"

"What? My face is. . . Exactly like it was when you last saw me."

"Lying doesn't look good on you, Nico," Will says softly, and I stop walking and stiffen.

"I'm not lying," I say defensively while I start walking again.

He knows me too well.

"What are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing, Will. Just drop it," I say with a little anger. Why can't he just believe me? Why does he know me so well?

Why did I let him get to know me so well?

Because you're an idiot, and a pathetic excuse of a human being.

Not here. Not again.

Will looks at me sadly. "You can tell me anything, Nico. But I won't pressure you into telling me."

I look at him gratefully.

Wonder what he'll do when your not home in time.

Merda, I think, and mentally slap myself for being such an idiot. Four o'clock, he said. I check my phone and it reads 4:28. Oh, I'm in for such I beating. Hopefully just that, and he doesn't do it in front of Hazel. . . I don't want her to try to stop it and get caught in the crossfire.

Do you think she'd actually help you?

You're such a fucking idiot.

Go away. I can't cry here. It's been two months since the cafeteria incident, and I don't want it to repeat itself again in front of Hazel and Thalia. Not to mention everyone else walking around on campus.

You said so yourself, you knew you'd relive many things. Time to relive this.

I blink away the tears. Reyna glances at me. You okay? She mouths.

I nod.

Suddenly, someone rushes to Will.

Will and I stop walking. I look at Reyna and whisper, "We'll catch up, you go."

She continues walking.

"Are you Will Solace? Son of Apollo and Naomi Solace?"

Will steps back from the man, but he takes another step forward.


The mans' face broke into a grin. "I knew it! I'd recognize that face anywhere. You have your mother's face."

Will smiles awkwardly. "Okay?"

"The name's Jack. Jack Hugh." He holds out a hand for Will to take.

Will hesitantly holds his hand out, and they shake. 

Will shoots me a look that says "Help me." I grin and shrug, beginning to follow Reyna. Will shoots me a glare and mouths, "You are so dead."

Laughing, I walk next to Reyna and forget about almost crying.

Will's PoV:

I can't believe Nico! He actually left me here with a stranger. He could kidnap me!

But the way Jack was grinning at me makes me think that he wasn't going to kidnap me.

"Well, as you probably know, I own this University."

I didn't know that, I think, but I just nod.

"And, as you know, your parents are Apollo and Naomi Solace.


"And, we've worked together before, your parents and I."

Do I remember them going to meet an annoying man? Well, there's been too many so how would I know if he actually worked with them before.

"Okay," I say.

Jack puts his hands together. "So you would very obviously always have a place here."

"I'm not sure I follow."

Jack chuckles. "What I mean is, you would always have a place here at the University. You know, as a student."

It takes me a moment to think about what Jack said. "Really?" I ask.

Jack nods. "Of course!"


"So, you know, if you don't have any other options." Jack nudges me with his elbow. "There'd always be a place for you here."

I made a confused face. "You don't even know how my grades are?"

"That's the thing! I made one of my workers break into the principals office and he took a pic--" Jack suddenly stops talking. "Oops." He chuckles nervously. "I wasn't supposed to say that. . ." He mumbles.

I looks at him suspiciously. "Okay, well, glad to know I have. . . Options," I say awkwardly, and edge away from him.

Jack grins awkwardly. "Okay, well. . Nice talk!" He pats my back and walks away.

I sigh and try to find Nico.

Looks like I've got some things to think about.



that was a short chapter, wasn't it? yeah, sorry about that. . . *mumbles incoherently* i wrote it in, like, four days, so, that's progress! then again, it's 900 words long, so. . . *sighs* i know, this chapter sucks. sorry. . . .

So, um, I was on the plane ride home from vacation and the plane started shaking a lot , and we literally like fell a little. I thought I was going to DIE. I screamed. I absolutely HATE going on planes. They scare the crap out of me.

And then I bit off most of my nails. I had gone so long without biting them, too. ): The only nails that made it was my left pointer, left thumb, and right thumb. Now I have to go cut them, lol.

aLso, thank you vv much for 700 reads. I'm in shock. Thank you. ❤

bye! love you all❤

favorite sentence from this chapter: "That's the thing! I made one of my workers break into the principals office and he took a pic--"
- Jack Hugh

Jack you're a weirdo


Word count: 944

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