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A/N: 300 reads??? Thank you guys sosososo much!! ❤❤❤

Will's PoV:

I just watched Nico get shot.

And I couldn't do anything about it.

Those are the words in my mind as I open my eyes to bright lights, white room and beeping.

"You're awake." An unfamiliar voice says. 


"You passed out after we took your friend over here."

 My eyes are starting to accustom to the brightness. "Nico."

"Ah, " The what I assume is the nurse says while leaning his back into a chair. "That must be his name. Italian, isn't it?" 

I nod my head swiftly. "Where is he?"

"He's here. But. ." The nurse falters. "He isn't. ." 

Panic rises in my chest. "He isn't what?" 

The nurse licks his lips, "He. ."

Now it isn't panic, it's anger. "He isn't what?!" 

The nurse stands up. "You have to calm down. This-this isn't healthy in your state."

"Tell me!" I yell. The nurse is calling someone. Suddenly, people that I assume are also nurses surround me. Someone is shouting orders to them.

"Where is he?! Tell me!" Someone injects something into my arm, and all I see is black.


I once again wake up to bright lights.

This time it's different. I hear beeping. The same. I see the white walls, but. . . Something is different. Something feels different. There's something missing.

"You're awake, again." 

"Yeah. . I guess I am." My voice is hoarse. 

"You're feeling okay?" 


"Good." I get a good look at him, and realize it's the same nurse from before. His name tag reads, "Michael."

I try to move my hands, but they're stuck. I look at them, and see they have restraints.

"I, um, I'm sorry about before," I say.

"It's okay." I look him in the eyes.

"How is he?" 

"Stable. ." 

I sigh. "How long have I been out?"

"A day." 

"It's. . The 16th?" 


"When can I get out of here?" 

"In a little. You have to rest."

"What's your name?"

"Will. Will Solace." 

He nods. "And. . His?" I close my eyes. 

"Nico di Angelo." After a short while, I speak. "Can I see him?" I plead. I open my eyes. Michael is looking at the floor. 

"As you wish," He says softly.

We work everything out, and soon I'm walking to Nico's room with Michael.

"Hey, earlier, you said 'As you wish.' Did you get that from The Princess Bride?" I ask.

 He smiles "Yes."

We make it to Nico's room. I'm nervous. Nico- he's alive. He-he's alive.

I go to open the door, but Michael stops me. "Just- just know, he's alive." I furrow my brows, but nod. He opens the door, and we walk in. I see Nico there, laying on his bed, eyes closed. Asleep, I'm guessing. I walk towards a chair and sit down. 

"He's sleeping?" I ask. I look at Michael and stand up. 

He swallows. "You could say that. ."

"What-what are you keeping from me?" I ask. 

He sighs. "Will. . Sit down."

I sit down, and he sits down across from me. "Due to blood loss, he. . He went into a coma." At first I want to laugh. He's not in a coma, he's sleeping. That's it. He's sleeping. I look back at Michael, expecting him to be smiling and Nico to wake up and say, "I got you!" And someone to jump out with a camera and say "You've been Punk'd!" But his face is dead serious.

 "What?" I ask quietly.

 "I'm sorry, Will."

"He-he won't wake up, will he?" My voice cracks. 

"Will, that-"

"Can he hear us?" I ask.

 "We don't know. But he might be able to hear us," He replies. 

"Please," I sniffle, "Can I have a moment alone?"

 He nods his head sadly. "Of course. ." He walks out, and I'm alone with Nico.

He's just sleeping, right?

Yes, he's just sleeping.

But I know he isn't.

Nico's PoV: 

Where am I?

All I see is black. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. I can't open my eyes. I can't move my arms. I can't move my legs. I can't. I can't do anything.

What seems like hours later, I hear footsteps and a door opening and closing.

Footsteps coming closer. They stop.

"He's sleeping?" A familiar voice asks. 

Will. Oh Dio, Will is here. More footsteps. 

"You could say that. ." An unfamiliar voice answers.

 "What-what are you keeping from me?" Will asks. From what I assume, the man with Will is either a doctor or nurse. 

He sighs. "Will. . Sit down," He says. More footsteps. "Due to blood loss, he. . He went into a coma." That's why I can't move. 

"What?" Will asks quietly.

 "I'm sorry, Will." I try to speak, but I can't. "He-he won't wake up, will he?" Will's voice cracks. 

"Will, that-"

"Can he hear us?" He asks suddenly.

 "We don't know. But he might be able to hear us," He replies.

 "Please," Will sniffles, "Can I have a moment alone?"

"Of course. ." Footsteps. A door opens and closes. Footsteps.

"H-Hey, Nico." Will says. "I don't know if you can hear me." He laughs a little. "It probably looks stupid, a person talking to someone in a coma. I don't care." A hand on mine. "I passed out after they took you over here." A sudden thought seems to occur to him. "You-you do remember what happened, right? We were at Ice Scream. A man came in, he shot you. . ." His voice falters. "It's the 16th. It's only been a day. ." He sounds so sad. "Wake up, please. Wake up soon." A pair of lips on my forehead. Footsteps. Door opens and closes.

And silence.



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Hope ya enjoyed this chapter (I really do)


Word count: 987

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