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Will's PoV:

"Hey, Nico, it's Will." I laugh lightly. "But you probably already knew that. If you can hear me, that is." I stare at his pale body. "School's pretty boring, nothing new. . . It isn't the same without you." I sigh. "I miss you, Death Boy." I hold his hand. "The group found out. They're really sad, and they say they're going to visit you soon. I'm sure they will."

I'm surprised when I hear the door open. In comes a man, a woman, a girl around me and Nico's age, and the doctor, Oscar. They close the door. 

"Hello, Will. We contacted Nico's family yesterday," Oscar says. 

I raise an eyebrow and remove my hand from Nico's. "Really?"

Oscar nods. The woman sashays to a chair and sits down, refocusing on her phone. The girl comes over and sits next to me. 

"I'm Hazel." She sticks her hand out to me with a bright smile. 

"Will," I say as I shake her hand, returning the smile. I hear the man talking with Oscar.

"Are you a friend of his?" She gestures to Nico. 


"Oh, by the way," She points to the woman. "That's my stepmom Persephone and," She points to the man, "My dad Hades. Lord knows they won't introduce themselves. I sort of hate him and my stepmom." 

I furrow my brows. "Why?" 

She sighs. "Most of the time Hades comes home he's drunk. Persephone is so self-absorbed in herself she pays no mind to me. The only time they talk to me is when they want me to do something for them." 

I make a note to be careful around them. "Wow." 

She nods. "Yeah." She wrinkles her nose. "But let's change the subject, please."


A sudden thought occurs to me. "Nico said his mom and sister died?"

"Oh, um, I guess that was his biological mom and sister. We didn't know of each other's existence." 

I sigh. "Guess so."

Hazel looks at Nico with a sad smile. "Even though I didn't know him before this, I'm still sad. I mean, he's still my brother, you know?" 

I nod. 

"C-can he hear us?" She asks, her voice suddenly hoped filled. 

"The doctors don't know for sure, but they think he can." 

She looks back at me. "Can I talk to him?" 

I smile. "Of course." 

She gets up and stands above him, starting to talk.

Nico's PoV:

"Hey, Nico, it's Will." He laughs lightly. "But you probably already knew that. If you can hear me, that is. School's pretty boring, nothing new. . . It isn't the same without you." He sighs. "I miss you, Death Boy." I want to be able to say, "Don't call me 'Death Boy.'" But I can't. He holds my hand. "The group found out. They're really sad, and they say they're going to visit you soon. I'm sure they will."

The door opens, and Will falls silent. The door closes. "Hello, Will. We contacted Nico's family yesterday." What!? My family!? 

Will removes his hand from mine. "Really?" 

I don't hear a response, so I'm guessing he nodded. Footsteps. I really hate not being able to see.

"I'm Hazel." A sudden voice says. 


I start to think. I don't know anyone named Hazel. 

"Are you a friend of his?" Hazel asks. 

"Yes," is his response.

"Oh, by the way, that's my stepmom Persephone and, my dad Hades." Her dad?! "Lord knows they won't introduce themselves. I sort of hate him and my stepmom." Something me and you have in common. At least about 'our' dad. I don't know anyone named Persephone, either. 

"Why?" Will asks. 

She sighs. "Most of the time Hades comes home he's drunk. Persephone is so self-absorbed in herself she pays no mind to me. The only time they talk to me is when they want me to do something for them." Ugh. I feel you, Hazel. 

"Wow." Yes, Will, Wow. 

"Yeah. But let's change the subject, please."


A sudden thought seems to occur to Will. "Nico said his mom and sister died?" They did.

"Oh, um, I guess that was his biological mom and sister. We didn't know of each other's existence." 

He sighs. "Guess so."

"Even though I didn't know him before this, I'm still sad. I mean, he's still my brother, you know?" No response, he must've nodded. "C-can he hear us?" She asks, her voice suddenly hoped filled. 

"The doctors don't know for sure, but they think he can." I can hear you. I just wish you could hear me. 

"Can I talk to him?" 

"Of course." A few moments later, she's talking to me.

"Hi, Nico. Well, if you can hear us, then you probably heard me and Will's convo. My name is Hazel. I'm your half-sister. I'm going to turn seventeen next month." She seems nice, and she shares my hate with our dad. And judging by the way she talks about Persephone, I'm sure if hate her too. We'd get along nicely. "I'm not even sure what to say." I feel her hand on mine. "Wake up soon, 'kay?" She stops talking, but she doesn't move her hand.

-Le time skip (aka author being lazy :P)-

After everyone leaves, I'm met with an uneasy silence. I have to think about this. Hades is back, and am I scared. I'd rather be dead then see him again.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps. Coming closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Soon I hear the door open and be shut roughly. Footsteps.

"Hello, Nico."

Oh, oh Dio. He's here.

"I couldn't help but come and visit you when I heard what happened."

His fingers touching strands of my hair. God, make it stop. Suddenly his voice is in my ear.

"I'm glad they called."

He almost whispers, making sure I was the only one that heard, even if there was no one else here.

"Well. ." His fingers going from my shoulder, down down to my wrist.

"I hope you wake up soon. The fun has just begun."

His laughter erupting as I hear his footsteps, the door opens and closes, and I'm left with bad memories.








-Nicole xox

Word count: 1063

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