~Halloween Special~

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"Ayyy! Wake up sis!"
"Nooo...five more minutessss!"
"Gettt upppp!"
"You leave me no choice..."

Adrian tickled your sides, your eyes widened as you started laughing, Adrian started to tickle you harder.

"O-okay! O-okay! S-stop it!"

Adrian stopped as you tried to regain your breathing, he chuckled and messed your with your hair.

"Sooo...I got a call from Mr. Vanossgaming and~..."

He paused dramatically as he looked at you with a slight smirk.

"He wants to do a collab with you!"
"What?! Really?!"
"Yeah~ he was thinking about doing a Halloween Death Run Edition! He's also doing it with Terroriser, Basically and Delirious, so you'll be able to play with other people~"
"Niceee!...also who's Delirious??"

(Y/n) looked at Adrian confused, Adrian looked at the ground for a moment before looking back at (y/n).

"From what Evan told me, he's another youtuber who barely shows his face and he mostly does horror games & stuff~"
"So he's basically like Cryaotic?"

Adrian shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish smile.

"I guess you can say that...anyways~ Let's go buy costumes! Yes, I know Erika's party isn't until tonight, butttt~ that doesn't mean we can't be organized~"
"Okay, I'll be downstairs in a few minutes~"

Adrian nodded and left, you went into the bathroom and changed into your normal clothes. You walked downstairs and ate breakfast while Adrian waited in the living room, his car keys in his hand. (Y/n) finished and walked to the car as Adrian ran to the driver's seat. They drove to the costume shop.

"M'kay, you go choose your costume and we'll meet back in fifty minutes, okay?"
"Kay~ see you then~"


Adrian and (y/n) walked to the car after paying for their costumes, they drove back home and changed into their costumes. The sun was slowly setting.

"So, who are you supposed to be?"
"I'm (choice of costume)! What are you supposed to be?"
"I'm Luciel Choi from Mystic Messenger! Lololol~"
"So many of my subscribers suggested that game to me, but it's just a dating simulator..."

Adrian puts a hand on his chest as he gasped, slightly offended.

"You take that back!"
"Nope~ sorry not sorry, big brother~"

Adrian was about to tackle (y/n), when his phone rang, Adrian pouts slightly before answering his phone. (Y/n) smirked victoriously and crossed her arms as Adrian nodded his head, he hangs up and looks at you.

"Anywaysss~ Let's go before your boyfriend gets impatient~"

(Y/n)'s smirk faded as Adrian winked at her and walked outside, (y/n) sighed and followed him.


"(Y/n)! Adrian! Glad you made it!"

Erika opened the door, her brown hair covering her eyes, as she greets you and your brother with a welcoming smile, she looks at Adrian.

"Nice costume, meme lord!"
"Right back at you, 'MC'~"

Erika and Adrian snapped their fingers and pointed them at each other before dabbing, you facepalmed and tried to stifle a giggle.

"Anyways~ come in! Come in! Evan's waiting for you~"

Erika smirked as she purred the last sentence, Adrian doing the same, you felt blood rushing to your cheeks.

♡Vanossgaming X Youtuber!Reader X H20Delirious♡Where stories live. Discover now