~Dinner With The Guy In A Hockey Mask~

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I'll just make two paths since I know that people like both of them. ^^



"Tell Delirious that I'll be ready in a few minutes, bro."

I say with a smile, I roll my eyes playfully as Adrian turns around and fist pumps the air. I look at my phone as I text Evan back:

'Sorry, Evan! I have plans tonight...maybe another day?..'

My phone buzzes as I get a response from Evan: 'Alrighttt. Maybe another time then, (y/n)! See ya til then 😉' I raise my eyebrow at the winky emoji, shrugging it off, thinking that his finger must have accidentally sent the emoji. I shoo my brother out of my room as I changed my clothes.


I walk downstairs, wearing a (f/c) dress, black tights and (f/c) shoes. Adrian smiles softly at me, he checks the time on his phone.

"You look wonderful, sis! Johnathan should be here any minute~"

Adrian says with a grin, I roll my eyes playfully as I went on my phone for a bit. After a few minutes, I hear a car pull into our driveway, Adrian gets up and looks out of the window. He looks at me with a smile.

"Your prince has arriveddd~"

My brother exclaims in a horrible fancy accent, I stifle my laughter as I get up and walked outside. I go inside of Delirious' car as he looks at me in slight awe, his cheeks slightly tinted pink. I blush lightly as he stared at me, I slowly compose myself.

"So, where are we going, Del?"

I ask as he snaps out of his gaze, he clears his throat lightly as he looks back at me.

"Well, I was thinking that we can go to (favorite place to eat)."
"Really?! The food there is wonderful!"

I say excitedly, Delirious chuckles lightly as he grips the steering wheel.

"(Favorite place) it is~"

He pulls out of the driveway, driving to (favorite place).


Delirious and I talked and laughed together as we ate. He would tell me stories about his channel and funny stories about him and the Vanoss Crew. After a while, we grew bored and went to his place to play video games. We decided to create a video of us playing Slender: The Arrival in his living room, we both laughed and screamed at some parts.

"Oh no, (y/nnn)! He's behind youu!"
"Oh shittt! Nooooooo! I just got half of the pagessss!"

Slenderp eventually caught me, causing me to throw my headset and hide behind the couch, yelling 'nope' over and over again. Delirious laughs hysterically, I pout slightly.

"I'd like to see you try it, Delirious!"
"Heh, heh...I'll do it!"

Delirious takes the keyboard and took over, I watched, hoping that Slenderp gets him before he gets the first page. But then he gets six pages, I pout even more. Delirious notices my facial expressions and chuckles evily. Delirious walks his character to the 7th page, before Slenderp teleported in front of him and killed him.


Delirious yells dramatically, I pump my fist in the air as I grinned. Now it was Delirious' turn to pout, I giggle softly.

"Look who's laughing now, Delirious! In. Your. Face~"

I say playfully as I poke his chest lightly, Delirious merely pouts even more before ending the recording. I sit on the couch as I drank water, Delirious sits down as well.

"So...what now?.."
"...wanna roast Evan's videos with me?.."
"Heh, hell yeah!"

Delirious and I laugh evily as we go on YouTube, searching Evan's channel as we make jokes and roasts about his channel.


I feel my eyelids closing as I fall asleep, my head on Delirious' shoulder.

[Delirious' POV]

I smile softly as I watch (y/n) fall asleep, she looks really peaceful. I blush lightly as I sigh softly, ever since I met (y/n), I always have this weird feeling in my chest. Have I fallen in love with someone who I met in a alleyway?...man, I really am delirious out of my mind...I'm not complaining though.

I smile warmly as I kiss her forehead lightly, seeing her smile in her sleep as she stirs lightly. You really do bring me to my knees, (y/n). I gently and slowly wrap my arms around her as I close my eyes. My phone buzzes as I get a text message.

'Hey John! Wanna make a gmod video with us?'

Delirious looks at (y/n), smiling softly as he replied:

'Sorry, Evan, maybe tomorrow night?'

I turn off my phone as I held (y/n) in my arms, smiling warmly at her, happy to know that (y/n) agreed to having dinner with me. I sigh softly, knowing damn well that Evan is developing a crush on (y/n). 'He already has Sydney, yet he also likes (y/n).' I frown slightly, knowing that (y/n) could easily fall for Evan. Evan has good looks, fame and he's also one of the buffest gamers. She'll probably fall for him instantly.

I sigh softly before closing my eyes and drift to sleep, holding (y/n) close.

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