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I get up and wiped my tears as my hair flows in air as if there was wind, a straight facial expression on. I make my hand into a fist as I looked above me.

“No time for tears...time to show the skills Erika taught meh! Magical unicorn! Come to mehhh!”

I exclaim with pure determination and whistled a tune. There was nothing but silence. I heard giggling and looked in the direction to see Sydney by the room door, she smirked.

“woww~ what are you? 10? Unicorns. Aren't. Real.”
“Not with that attitude they are! I'll prove you wrong!”

I felt really offended by her words as I waited for my mystical beauty of a savior. Sydney smirks smugly at me as time passed, no sign of the unicorn.

After sometime, I heard the roof break open and closed my eyes, feeling that I was in the air. I slowly opened them to see beautiful sparkly blonde locks and gasped, my eyes sparkling with amazement. I ride above the roof and looked down at Sydney with a triumph smirk on, giggling slightly once I saw her very confused facial expression.

“Ha! Bet cha feel like a dumb ass now~ onwards, Lady Rainicorn!!”

Lady Rainicorn neighs a bit before flying away back to my home. I giggled slightly and held onto her.

[Erika’s POV]

I hum to myself as I walked to (Y/n)’s house, going to drop off some (favorite flavor) ice cream. I nearly dropped the bag once I saw a unicorn with a happy (Y/n) on the back. I smiled and a tear goes down my cheek.

“I taught you well, (Y/n)...I taught you well..”

I wiped my tears and dropped off the ice cream before running out.

“Yooo! (Y/n)! Can I join??”
“Sure! Lady Rainicorn is going to take me onto a wonderful adventure!”
"Fuck yassss, bishhh! Let's go a Candy Kingdom or something like dat!"
"Yassssss bitchhhh!"

I make Lady dove down and picked Erika up as we set out on a mystical adventure.

♡Vanossgaming X Youtuber!Reader X H20Delirious♡Where stories live. Discover now