~Chapter 5~

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(Y/n) stretched her arms and legs as she woke up and got out of bed, she smiled as she remembered yesterday's events. You get up and change into your normal clothes, got ready and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning, dear sister~"
"Morning, Adrian..."

Adrian looked at you happily as he made breakfast, you slightly snicker as you looked at Adrian, who was wearing a pink apron.

"Looking fabulous today, brother~"

Adrian served you and himself breakfast and striked a weird pose, giving you a playful look.

"Girlll! I always wake up fabulous~"
"Suree you do...and Jumin Han isn't gay~"

(Y/n) tried to stifle her laughter as she ate breakfast with her big brother, casually having a conversation.

"Soo~ (y/n)? How was your little chat with Johnathan~"

You nearly choked on your food as you looked at Adrian who had a smug grin on his face, you rolled your eyes.

"And how was your shipping war with Erika?"

~Adrian's POV~

My eyes widened as I nearly choked on my food, 'Does she know??' (Y/n) seemed to notice my distress and looked at me.

"So you two really did do a shipping war...who was it about this time?? Was it about Septicplier and Septicshuu?"
"Yeahh! We actually did..."

I sweatdropped as I scratched the back of my head nervously, (y/n) merely smiled and rolled her eyes. 'Okay great! She bought the lie!' I let out a sigh of relief as I cleared the dishes.

"Hey Adrian? Maybe after I collab with Evan, we can work on a Septicplier song~"

I looked at my sister, my blue hues widening in excitement as I played with a (hair/color) strand of my hair, (y/n) merely shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah~ I just want to piss off Erika~"
"Niceee! I'll go work on the lyrics right now!!"

I nod my head, grinning as I ran upstairs to my room.

~back to (y/n)~

(Y/n) laughed a little, rolled her eyes playfully and went to her recording room, you texted Evan.

Hey Evan! I'm ready for the recording!
E: niceee! I'll go invite my friends and then I'll add you to the Skype call, alright alright?
Alright, alright!


It was an hour later when Evan invited you into the Skype chat, you went on gmod, your character model being (insert person ex: Bill Cipher, Dipper, etc).

"Hey guys!"

Four voices spoke up, one sounded really familiar to Johnathan's.

"Hey (y/n)!"
"So, are we recording or not?"
"Yup in 3...2...1..."


A character with a hockey mask and blue hoodie stood in front of yours, Terroriser, Evan and Basically's characters.

"Welcome to Delirious' house of nightmares! Do you dare to get the free candy at the end of my house?"

Everyone's character ran around and yelled as they looked at Delirious' character model.

"I want a snickers bar!"
"And I want (f/c)!"

(Y/n) and Evan yelled out as they ran in front of Delirious' character and jumped up & down.

"Listen! Listen! I got snicker bars, I got butterscotch! I've got all the candies you can dream! All you have to do is come into my house, you don't need permission at all!"

Evan's character shook around as everyone yelled excitedly, (y/n) giggled softly.

"Yeahhh! This is not suspicious at all! We're totally not getting raped or murdered! Let's do this!"
"And remember kids watching this video, never do this in real life! We shall go into your room to get FREE CANDY!"
"Yes! Beware the horrors of Halloween, children!"


Evan ends the recording as you five decided to mess around with gmod and talked about things, until Evan, Brian and Marcel had to leave.

"See you later, (y/n) and Delirious!"

Evan yelled out as he and the others left the Skype chat, leaving you and Delirious alone in the call, you were about to say something but Delirious beat you to it.

"Now that you know who I look like, I want you to keep my identity a secret. Can you please do that, (y/n)?"
"S-sure! Anything for you, Johnathan.."
"Good...I guess I'll see you later, (y/n)! I hope you have a nice day!"
"You too!"

Johnathan and (y/n) logged off of Skype, Adrian walked in your, grinning happily.

"(Y/n)! I finished the lyrics~ now all we have to do is sing it!"

(Y/n) got up from her computer chair and took a look at lyrics, she smiled lightly as she & Adrian walked over to her spot where she records her covers and music.

"It looks awesome big brother! Give it to me and let's start this song!"

(Non-bold=(y/n) bold=Adrian underline=unison/together)

Adrian started the recording as (y/n) strummed a guitar, she looked at the camera smiling.

"This is for all the Septicplier fans out there!"

(Y/n) and Adrian started to sing.

(This song is Septicplier Away by RobertIDK btw o3o)

Mark, with your voice like an demon and heart like an angel, come rescue me
And Jack, with your eyes like an ocean and your words like a river, yeah speed is key
I've seen the way you look at one another
It's no question that you're perfect for another
(Chorus v)
I've tried so hard to get you out my mind to no avail
But Septicplier is the only ship I want to sail
Please stop hiding what we all can see
Jack and Mark you are my OTP
And every video I see of you two, it just brings me to my knees
And Jack, when I saw you propose to Mark at PAX Prime
There was only one thing I could say
Septicplier away

(Y/n) took a deep breath as she and Adrian continued to sing.

Top of the morning to you laddies
And high fives all around
I'll say Herb Lore and Booper Dooper
Til' I cannot make a sound

(Back to chorus)

And Mark, when I saw you wink at Jack that one time
There was only one thing I could say
Septicplier away
I know the distance can be difficult
But with you two together it's so miserable
And I know
That there's only one thing that we'll make this work...

(Back to chorus)
And I know what I'll be sayin'
As soon as Jack moves out and joins Mark in L.A
Septicplier away...

(Y/n) stopped and looked at the camera, grinning.

"Anyways, guys! That'll be all for today! I hope you guys like the song and I'll see you guys next time!"
"And hopefully she doesn't die by the rath of Jack and Mark..."
"Sheesh...I hope not...anyways~ bye guys!"

You stopped the recording, edited the video and published it on YouTube.

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