~The Next Morning~

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My eyes slowly flutter open as I woke up. Blushing slightly once I realized that I was in his bed, he's still asleep. 'Maybe I should make him some breakfast.' I thought as I slowly and cautiously get up from his arms, going downstairs as I made him breakfast.


I groan slightly as I woke up, holding my head as it throbbed. 'I must've had too many drinks...oh god.' I get up as I took aspirin for my headache. I slowly feel better as I go downstairs with Teddy Bear, hearing humming in the kitchen as I froze at the bottom of the stairs. I held Teddy close to me, 'what if it's someone who wants Teddy Bear?! Don't worry, Teddy! Delirious will protect you from the dangerous person!'

I slowly peak my head into the kitchen, mentally sighing in relief as it was just (y/n). I slowly realize something, 'Why is (y/n) in my house?...did we?...' I blush slightly, shaking my head as I go into the kitchen. (Y/n) notices me and turns around with a smile on her face.

"Morning, Del~"
"M-morning, (y/n)."

I say, still slightly flustered from my thoughts. (Y/n) served me eggs and bacon as she served herself. I picked up a fork and started eating as we ate silently. After I finish my breakfast, I clear my throat quietly as (y/n) looked at me with an eyebrow raises. I felt myself sweat as I scratched my head lightly.

"We didn't...do that when I was drunk, right?..."

(Y/n) stuttered slightly as she blushed. I blush as well as I put my plate in the sink, scratching my head sheepishly.

"Soo...do you want a ride back home?"
"Y-yes, if you don't mind, Del."

I smile softly as I straightened my messy locks of hair. An idea pops into my head as I look at (y/n).

"Wanna record a video before you leave?"
"Sure! What are we playing?"
"Mortal Kombat?~"
"Ohh, you're onnn~"

(Y/n) and I smirk smugly at each other before going into my recording room and recorded a Mortal Kombat video together.

"What's up everyone! Delirious here with another Mortal Kombat gameplay! And today I'm here with (youtube name)!"
"Heyy everyonee~ (youtube name) here!"


I chuckle slightly as (y/n) beat me on the last round.

"Fucking cheater! I call hacks!"
"You snooze, you loose, Johnathan~ bow down, bitch!"

After a bit, we stopped recording. I grab my keys as I drove (y/n) back to her house.

"Bye, (y/n)!"
"Bye, Johnathan!"


I slowly wake up, groaning as I held my head. Getting up slowly as I took aspirin.

"Note to self, never join drinking games with irish men.."

I mutter to myself softly as I slowly go downstairs, not remembering the events that took place yesterday. I hear humming and the smell of pancakes in the air, my Canadian senses taking over as I immediately go into the kitchen, seeing (y/n) making pancakes.

"Morning, Evan."
"Morning, (y/n)..."

I reply as I sit down, (y/n) putting down a plate of pancakes in front of me. I pick up a fork as I ate, (y/n) doing the same. We had a conversation about Youtubers and YouTube drama.

Afterwards, we recorded a video together, playing (f/g) before (y/n) had to leave. (Y/n) ended up beating me as I pouted slightly, (y/n) merely giggled. I felt my heart melt slightly at her adorable laughter. I must've zoned out for a while because (y/n) was close to my face, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Hellooooo! Earth to Evann."

I felt a pink tint go across my face as I scratched my head lightly.

"Sorry, I was just thinking..."
"Thinking about how I kicked yo ass?"

(Y/n) asked sassily as she snapped her fingers, I merely chuckle.

"Nahh...I was thinking how I'll beat yo ass!"

I say playfully as I grabbed a controller, (y/n) giggles as she gives me a smirk. We played until day time, when she had to leave. I drove her back to her house, waving good bye at (y/n), not noticing the slight glare from Adrian.

♡Vanossgaming X Youtuber!Reader X H20Delirious♡Where stories live. Discover now