~Chapter 10~

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I'm laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling as I day dream of Evan and Johnathan. I blushed slightly as I twirled a piece of my hair in nervousness. I slowly get up once I received a text from Evan, I smiled softly and looked at the message.

‘Hey (Y/n)! Can we meet at the park? I have something to tell you~ ;))’

I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I sent a response back to him and got ready. ‘I wonder what does Evan want?...and why he sent the winky face...c-could it be that Evan l-likes me?’ I thought to myself as I put a (f/c) tank top and jeans on, I sighed before shaking my head at the thought of Evan having feelings for me. I finished as I go downstairs to Adrian who was editing videos for his own channel. He perks up at me and raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Hey bro, can I borrow the car please? I have to meet Evan at the park today.”
“Sure, just be careful!”

Adrian throws his keys at me as I caught it in his hands, I smiled softly at him as I nodded my head.

“Thanks bro! I’ll be safe, I promise!”

I quickly go outside and into the car as I drove to the park. I sit on a bench and waited for Evan to come. I watched joggers jog past me as I waited. I slowly began to worry that he was lying, or something happened to him. I perk up at the familiar voice of Sydney, Evan’s girlfriend who I met during Vidcon when I was talking to him. For some reason, I felt a bit hurt inside when I say that.

“Hey, are you (Y/n)?”

I looked up to see her with a smile...or at least it seemed like a smile. I put on a small smile and nodded. Her smile falters a bit before returning. I sweatdropped mentally, ‘did I say something wrong?...oh wait..I didn't even say anything.’ I thought to myself.

“Oh yeah! You’re (Y/n)..the girl that Evan couldn’t stop talking about…”
Sydney said, a smile still on her face. I felt myself go red at her words, I look at the ground, ‘He’s been talking about me?...wait no. Bad (y/n), Evan has a girlfriend. Chances are that he isn't going to love you.’ I calm down my blush as I looked back at Sydney.

“He has?...that’s weird..”
“It is...it’s funny actually. You'd think that he'd pay more attention to his own girlfriend..”

I mentally sweatdrop at her response as I nodded my head. Sydney puts on a smile, showing her white teeth.

"Hey (y/n), let's go play some video games at my house! We can just chill and eat snacks."

I smiled at her words, feeling that we are now at peace. I nod my head with a bright smile.

"Sure! Sounds like a plan, Sydney."

Sydney nods as she takes my hand, taking me into her car as she drove us to her house. I hum softly to the songs on the radio. Sydney taps her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat. After a while, we came back to her house. She parked the car and then we went inside of her house.

"Wow. You have a nice place, Sydney!"
"Please, call me Sid."
"Okay, Sid."

I smile warmly, feeling like a I made a new best friend. 'No hard feelings, Erika.' I thought to myself as I sat on the couch.

"Sorry about the mess around here, (y/n)! I can get a bit messy sometimes, heh heh. Anyways, do you need anything to drink?.."
"(Favorite drink) please, Sid."

Sydney nodded her head with a smile and goes into the kitchen. I lean back in the couch as I closed my eyes for a bit, zoning out. I was brought to reality by a cup of my favorite drink. I sweatdrop a bit before drinking it. I smack my lips a bit, scrunching my eyebrows slightly as an unfamiliar taste comes in my mouth.

"You okay, (y/n)?..."
"Y-yeah...I just fe..."

I cut myself off as I felt the whole room spin, I hold my head in pain as I groaned. I felt my eyelids slowly close, all I could see was Sydney's mocking smile before my world became dark.

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