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I immediately get an idea as I quickly stood up. ‘Hm...that’s it! I'll just act like I'm ill.’ I smiled a bit at my plan and took a bite out of the bread. I lay down on my stomach, ‘Thank god, mom forced me to take acting lessons at age 10…’ I smile a bit before putting on a pained facial expression. I groan in ‘pain' as I called out for Sydney.

A pair of footsteps immediately comes in and looks at me.

“why are you on the floor, (Y/n)?...does the floor taste good down there?~”

I felt myself get slightly flustered but kept a pained expression on as I slowly drag myself to the bottom of the bars. My voice feigning pain as I gripped onto the bars and looked at her, groaning.

“I-I t-think that there was something i-in the water...u-ugh..”

I say softly as I groaned loudly in pain, holding my stomach as I curled into a ball. Sydney raises an eyebrow and kneels down in front of the cell.

“hmm...maybe hose water wasn't such a good idea…”

Sydney slowly unlocks the cage and goes in as she kneels down by me. I took my chance and slowly reached in my pocket. I quickly get a handful of powder from a pouch and flung it at Sydney’s face quickly standing up.

Sydney hisses in pain as she tries to get the powder off her eyes, she growls.

“why, you little fucking bitch! When I get my fucking hands on you, you're going to be a dead bitch!”

Sydney takes out a knife and swung it around. I hiss slightly in pain once she cut my cheek slightly. Sydney smirks in triumph and continues to swing faster. I manage to dodge some of her attacks and stumbled outside as I held onto my left arm that was covered in cuts.

“(Y/n)?? What the hell happened to you?!”

I slowly turn to see a familiar face and smiled as I nodded my head weakly.

“H-hello to you too...Del..”

Before I could say anything else, I felt myself fade into darkness. All I heard and saw was John yelling my name with a surprised expression.


I slowly wake up to see white, ‘A-am I in heaven??’ I thought to myself worriedly. My eyes slowly adjusted and I could see that I was in a hospital room, I sigh in relief.

John perked up once he heard me. He immediately gets up and envelops me into a hug, along with three other pairs of arms. I look at the people who owned the arms and smiled once I saw Erika, Adrian and Evan.

“We were worried that you wouldn't make lost quite a lot of blood...I didn't want to lose an important part of my life such as yourself..”

Evan looks at me with a soft expression and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed slightly and shrugged a bit, not noticing the slight glare that John gave Evan or the smug smirk on his face. Or the fact that Adrian and Erika are fangirling on the inside.

I smile softly and gave them all hugs.

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