~Mornings W/ The guys~

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I slowly wake up as my eyes fluttered open, I slowly get up only to feel myself in someone's arms. I blush slightly, knowing that Delirious/Evan didn't have any other roommates and it had to be him. I felt him pull me closer to his chest as he continues to hold me.



After a while, Delirious wakes up and looks at me, a slight sleepy look on his face. My eyes widen when I realized that his hockey mask is off, he looks at me with his deep ocean blue orbs, his dark brown locks all messy and adorable. I mentally facepalm at my thoughts. 'Sheesh...don't be such a Bella Swan, (y/n)! Vampires and werewolves don't exist!...do they?..'

"Morning, (y/n).."
"M-morning, Johnathan."

Delirious yawns slightly, I mentally curse myself for stuttering.

[Delirious' POV]

I slowly wake up fully as I realized that (y/n) was still in my arms and that my mask somehow slipped off. I blush slightly as I loosened my grip, putting my mask back over my face.

I get a text from Evan as my phone buzzes:

'Hey Delirious! Meet us at IHOP in two hours, it's Lui's birthday today! We'll also have to go to his house after IHOP.'

'Hmm...it's Lui's birthday?..'

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow as she looked over my shoulder, she reads the message as she smiles softly.

"Wow! It's the squeaker's birthday today?...remind me to go to the store to buy transformers and nerf guns!"

(Y/n) giggled slightly as she got up and went upstairs to use the bathroom to get ready. I get up as well as I straightened my messy hair.



[Vanoss' POV]

I wake up as my eyes opened, noticing that (y/n) was still in my arms, I chuckle softly. (Y/n) was awake, a light tint of pink across her face.

"Morning, sleeping beauty~"
"M-morning, E-Evan."

I chuckle even more as her blush turns slightly dark. (Y/n) pouts slightly as she continues to blush.

"S-shut up, Evan! It's n-not funny!"
"Heh heh. I can't help it, (y/n). You're too adorable~"

I laugh slightly as (y/n) stutters, getting up as I set her on the couch.

"If you're a good kid, I'll make some chocolate chip pancakes."

I say as I poke (y/n)'s cheek lightly, I chuckle as her face brightens up before looking at me.

"...You're not lying?..."

I feel arms being wrapped around my legs as I look down to see (y/n), who was looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"..can you please make me some, Evan?"

I blush lightly as I look back up, scratching my head sheepishly as I think for a bit, I sigh softly.


(Y/n) grins as she lets go of my legs and goes back to the couch as I go into the kitchen to prepare the pancakes. After I finished, I call (y/n)'s name as she quickly came in and sat down, taking a few pancakes as she ate. I smile as I sat down and ate a few as well.


I put our empty plates in the sink as my phone buzzed. I check my phone to see that it was a text from Lui:

'Hey, Evan! Me and the guys are celebrating my birthday today! It would be cool if you showed up, we're meeting up at IHOP in two hours then we're going to my house and party!'

I smile softly as I turned to (y/n), who was listening to music. I gestured her to remove an ear bud, she raises an eyebrow before doing so.

"What's up, Evan?"
"Today is the leader of the speaker squad's birthday, I wanted to know if you wanted to come with? It starts in two hour."
"Sure! That'll give us enough time to buy him a gift~"

I chuckle softly as I put on my shoes, (y/n) doing the same. I put on my jacket.

"Alrighttt! To the Toys R Us!"

I say, chuckling as I grab my car keys, (y/n) smiles and nods as she gets up and goes to the car.

~timeskip to two hours brought to you by nerf guns and giant gummy worms~

[(Y/n)'s POV]

"You guys made it! And you brought gifts! Wow!"

Lui says in his squeaker voice, earning weird looks from other people. I giggle softly as I held the arm of Delirious/Evan, 'they're just jealous that they can't sound like him~' Delirious/Evan smiles down at me as he held me close while I blush slightly. Lui looks at us and wiggles his eyebrow at us with a smug smirk.

"Oohh, Are you two a thing?"
"F-fuck off, Lui and eat your pancakes!"
"Okay mommm~ I'll open the gifts at home like a good boy!"

Lui says as he eats his IHOP breakfast as me and Delirious/Evan sat down and talked with the rest of the guys.


"Okay, I'm done! Let's go home and partyy~"

Lui says as he goes into his car with Daithi and Terroriser. Delirious/Evan takes my hand as he takes me back to his car, opening the passenger door for me as we drove to Lui's house. After that, I got out as me and Delirious/Evan go inside.


It turns out that Delirious/Evan got 'a bit' drunk from the party, thankfully I was still sober. So I had to drive him back to his house. I put Delirious/Evan to bed, kissing his forehead lightly as I go to the door. Before I could leave, arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

"(Y/nnn)! D- *hic* Don't leaveee mee! S- *hic* sleep with meeee!"

Delirious/Evan says as he pulls me in bed with him. I blush softly before sending a message to Adrian that I'm spending another night with Delirious/Evan. I pet his head until he fell asleep, falling asleep as well.

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