~Chapter 9~

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I waved goodbye to him as I slowly go inside, bumping into Adrian as he envelopes me into a hug.

"There you are! When you told me that you were staying at his house, I didn't know that you'd stay there until noon!"
"...calm your tits, Adrian. At least I'm safe!"
"R-right...sorry, sis. I-I just didn't want you to get hurt...I promised them that I would protect you with my life. And I tend to never break that promise."
"...wanna record the probably last song of 'Daughter of Evil'?"

I changed the subject, Adrian's gloomy face slightly brightens up as he smiles at me.

"Sure, as long as you're singing with me.."

I smile back at him as I go upstairs to the recording room, setting up the microphones. Adrian sets up the camera.


Adrian starts the camera as I smiled at the camera, waving at it.

"Hello, my loyal subjects! It is I, (youtuber name)! And today we'll be doing a cover on 'Regret Message', another song in the series. Please leave suggestions in the comment sections for a song you want me to sing. Now, I'll shut up and sing."

I took a deep breath as Adrian started the instrumental, singing.

On a small little shore, where the giant big waves roar
I walked there alone, my feet cold and sore
There's a secret I know, from a long, long time ago
About the sea of woe
Write your wish on paper and fold it in half
In a little bottle it goes
Give it to the sea, and someday you will see
Your dreams will bloom like a rose!

Float away with the sea, glass bottle full of dreams
In the dark of the night, bring a faint white gleam
Towards the break of the sky along with the waves
Silently fading away

I took a deep breath as I waited for my cue to sing.

You were always there for me, no matter how absurd my pleas
You've given me your all but I didn't see
I was spoilt, I was never glad, never happy with what I had
I wonder if you ever gotten mad?

Now I am alone, with no one else to hold
Far away from the world I once knew
You're not hear with me, so I'll leave it to the sea
To tell you how much I missed you!


Float away with the sea, tears full of regret
Looking down, I only see my own silhouette
Somehow in our next life, if we ever meet again
Let us play together once more
And be the best of friends

After I sang the last verse, Adrian stopped recording and edited the video for me. I go downstairs, into the kitchen as I drank water. I think for a bit as I leaned against the counter, checking my social media like the usual. I felt a light tint of pink go across my face as I thought of his beautiful eyes and his messy hair from when he woke up.

"...have I really fallen in love with a guy that easily?...is this what some people call 'love at first sight'?.."

I asked rhetorical questions to myself as I sipped my water, his adorable smile and contagious laughter on my mind. I sigh softly, knowing damn well that he's out of my league. He would never date a girl that he meet for a few days. 'Or would he?..' I thought to myself, knowing that life likes to put plot twists into my mind.

I shook off the thought as I threw my empty water bottle into the recycling bin. I go out into the backyard as I sat on a bench, thinking for a bit.


I jump a bit as I look to see Adrian beside me, looking at me.

"..you okay, (y/n)?.."
"Yeah...just thinking about some stuff."
"...what kind of stuff?"
"Just stuffy stuff."
"....what kind of stuffy stuff?"
"Stuffing stuffy stuff."
"...You're not going to tell me anything, aren't you?.."
"...what if I bribed you with food or a poster from your favorite anime?.."
"........what i-"

I cut him off as I poked his cheeks randomly, poking his stomach as well.

"Boop. Boop."
"Boop. Boop. Boop."
"Let me t-"
"...fineee, I'll stopp."

Adrian whines slightly as he gets up from the bench and goes back into the house. I pat my shoulder gently as I self praised.

"Nailed itt!"

I giggled slightly as I remembered the face Adrian made when I poked him, a mixture of shock and weirded out. I layed down onto my back, taking out my phone as I listened to music.

I look at the sky as I thought about Evan and Johnathan. Their laughter were contagious as they made me grin and laugh. I smile softly, glad to know that there were two idiots in this world that made me happy when they were around. I sigh softly, knowing that I've fallen in love with both of them.

"Why is love so complicated?.."

I mutter to myself as I look at the puffy white clouds. I hum softly to myself as I watched the clouds go by, thinking about the old times when me and Adrian first started our Youtube channel. That was when we barely had any ideas, we didn't know how to start intros or talk to our fellow fans. The only reason why I started the channel was because I wanted to make people happy. Just like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and other youtubers. I loved the way that they cared about their audience and the way they sacrifice their precious time to make videos.

I played with my locket that was around my neck, a gift that my father gave me before I left and moved to Los Angeles. I stop as I blink at the cloud shape of a owl and I immediately thought of Evan. I smiled softly as a light pink tint goes across my face. Evan. The man of mischief, the man who could make almost anyone laugh with his jokes.

I then spotted a cloud that was similar to Johnathan's hockey mask. I blush a little bit more. Delirious. The man of mystery and contagious laughter. Also the man who saved my life. I put my hand on my head and I blushed more.

"Ughh...who do I choose?...they're both cute.."

I mutter to myself as I slowly fall asleep with that question in my mind.

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