Chapter 1: Saturday Morning

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 1: Saturday Morning


               I rolled over and grumbled as a sharp pain ran through my head, a normal side-effect of an all night alcohol binge. "Hey man, the 'rents are gonna be home soon." Asher slurred through his own hangover. I looked up at him, my eyes straining against the high set sun. He was dressed only in his boxers, his shirt and pants mixed with the endless mounds of paper cups and limp bodies. My guess would be that at least a quarter of the school was passed out on Asher's floor, couch, and possibly in the rooms as well. Needless to say, these kind of parties weren't uncommon. Asher and I was used to binging and getting stoned almost every night. 

I pushed two girls off me, noticing the scratches their nails left on my chest. "Shit, my dad is gonna freak when I get home." 

"Don't you mean 'dads?'" Asher corrected. Of course, he took every chance he had to remind me I didn't come from an 'average' household. My parents were gay but I figured it was better not having an emotional mother hanging all over anyway. 

"Bite me." I mumbled as I slipped a pair of sunglasses off a near by jock who slept carefree on the coffee table. "See ya in a couple of hours." I smiled. 

Asher's jaw dropped, "You asshole - you're not gonna help me clean this up?!" 

"I do the partying - not the cleaning. Good luck." I slipped my shirt over my head before opening the front door, a chorus of objections sounding as the bright sun lit up the house. 

               This was my typical Saturday morning: waking up with a hangover, whether it be from booze or any other drug I had managed to get my hands on. My dads didn't approve of my behavior but they never really did anything that could stop it. My little sister on the other hand - she wasn't someone I was ready to face. 

               "Aaron James Harper!" My dad bellowed the second I walked through the door. He stood at the foot of the steps, his shaggy red hair combed away from his eyes. His piercing green eyes scanned me for injuries before he allowed himself to continue. "Where have you been?" 

"I stayed over at Asher's house." Technically, I wasn't lying. I was at Asher's after all. 

My other dad ran into the hall, holding a spatula. "AJ!" He cried, throwing his arms around me.  

"Ikuto, be happy later - right now I'm angry." Daddy was kind of like a mother, we had evolved into calling them 'dad' and 'daddy' to differentiate between the two but I always used their real names when speaking to them directly. Do you know how confusing it would be around here if my sister and I called them both 'dad?' 

"Be mad later, breakfast is ready." He smiled before calling my sister downstairs. 

I shuffled away from my dad's glare as Alicia bolted down the stairs, skipping every other one. "Stop running Lyss." 

"Sorry dad -" She shut her mouth the second she saw me, brushing a bit of her blonde hair over her shoulder. She hated it when I partied cause she new what I did but there was really nothing she could do about it. She would ignore me like always because she knew it annoyed me. I hated it when I was ignored - AJ Harper was never ignored by anyone! 

"Aww Lyss, you're not gonna talk to me?" I taunted, ruffling her hair adorningly. 

She stayed silent as we ate, daddy attempting to carry a conversation as if nothing happened. "AJ, I need you to help me with the shopping today." 

"Fine Ikuto." I mumbled, figuring it was better than to stay here and listen to my dad bitch. 

I picked up my plate and took it to the kitchen, my food mostly untouched and grabbed an icepack from the refrigerator. I don't know how many pills I swallowed but one of them had to have been an appetite suppressant. That's what happens when you raid Asher's mother's medicine cabinet - at least it wasn't birth control pills. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now