Chapter 3: Sinister Road Map

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The Silent Boy [Boy\/Boy]: Chapter 3: Sinister Road Map


               He let his hand fall and I bucked, letting out a soft whimper. I didn't want him to know how much it had actually hurt. "Do you know why I'm doing this?" 

"Fuck you." He smacked me three times, each one harder than the last.  

"I don't like you swearing Aaron and I will not tolerate it anymore." His voice was stern and unyielding - like his hand. I kicked a couple of times, causing him to lift his leg over mine so I couldn't really move. 

"Okay okay - I'm sorry!" I managed between each spank. He paused long enough to ask me a question about my behavior and delivered another painful lick when I didn't respond fast enough. "I swear I'll behave!" I cried, desperate to get off his lap. 

"Ikuto and I are your parents and we will not stand for your attitude anymore." His hand delivered two more swipes, completing a series of twenty before he sat me up. "I don't want to spank you but I swear I will if you keep it up. Do you hear me?" 

"Y-yes." I stuttered, fighting the tears that were threatening to appear. My ass burned and every lick hurt despite the fact that I was still wearing a thick pair of jeans. 

He slid out from under me, leaving me sitting on the corner of my bed. "You're still grounded for the next two weeks - that means you go to school and you come home. No computer, cell phone, or Ipod." 

"But -" 

"Do you really want to object to my terms? I could give you ten more to help you remember who the boss is around here." 

"No, I got it - you're the boss." I mumbled. AJ Harper - the school's bad boy - was becoming a submissive bitch. "I'm sorry." 

He walked over to my desk and unplugged my computer, tucking it under his arm as he walked over to me. "Ipod and cell phone." He held out his hand as I placed my electronic devices in his palm. He wrapped his free arm around me, "I love you AJ." 

"I love you too." He released me and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. 

I gently pushed myself off my bed and walked over to my full length mirror, dropping my pants to observe the damage. Each cheek was bright red with the general outline of his handprint. "Shit." 

"Holy crap!" I spun to face my little sister - wide eyed and mouth gaping. 

"Lyss!" I quickly grabbed for my jeans and fastened them around my waist. "Haven't you heard of knocking?" 

She walked in, my laptop in hand. "Dad said you could have this back since he killed your internet." She placed it on my desk before skipping over to me. "So, did he spank you?" She was too happy, almost as if she had been expecting it for a while. 

"Fuck you - get out of my room and the next time you come in here without knocking I'll beat your ass!" She looked genuinely hurt as she ran out and I couldn't blame her. I was so embarrassed that I had crossed the line I created for myself. Threatening Ikuto or Cammeron was one thing but I just threatened my baby sister. She idolized me to a certain point and no matter what I said from now on - it was that moment that will haunt her. 

                I sat at the table, poking at my food. I wasn't really hungry but I could tell by the look in my daddy's face that he realized my appetite had diminished somewhat over the last few months. He suffered from anorexia when he was a teenager and was terrified I'd pick up on the same habit. I wasn't anorexic though, my eating habits were from the Skittling game I had played at Asher's party. Asher emptied his parent's medicine cabinet into a bowl and we all grabbed a handful - quickly swallowing them and welcoming the high it gave us. I knew it was a stupid game and potentially lethal but that didn't really stop me from playing it in the end. No one had ever gotten hurt at Asher's parties, mainly because his parents didn't keep any strong prescription drugs on hand. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now