Chapter 14: Ego

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 14: Ego


               I pushed my window open and settled next to it as I shook a cigarette loose from its container. I placed it between my lips and watched the match's fire play at the tip. I inhaled the fowl smoke and my lungs sang. I hated the smell but there was something about it that calmed me. 

"AJ!" My door handle rattled and I quickly released the lung-full of air. 

"Shit." I coughed as I blew too quickly, causing it to leak through my nose. I stubbed the end out and set it on the side of the outer window sill before I closed it. "Who is it?" 

"It's daddy - I brought you some dinner." I moved to unlock the door, letting him in. "How are you?" 

"Fine -" I let myself trail off as I collapsed on my bed, "What does it matter?" 

"No reason - I got your dad's side now I want your side - what happened today?" He sat down next to me and smiled softly. 

"I don't want to talk about it." I pulled my knees to my chest then instantly let them fall when I thought of Nate. I don't know what's going on with him and he makes it hard for me to know when he runs. I suppose I could corner him but that wouldn't really get me anywhere - he was stubborn and would only talk\/write is he wanted to. 

"No offense AJ but I don't care if you want to or not. I want to know what happened." He snapped. 

"Nate refuses to talk to me." I admitted, folding my arms to mimic him. 

"-and how does that connect to you being expelled?" 

I chewed on my lip and winced as it drew blood. "Kently said Nate should have been aborted and he called him a bastard." I slightly laughed as I realized how immature I sounded. "Oh god, I really messed up." 

He laid a hand of my shoulder and slightly squeezed it. "You can say that again - dad's pretty mad right now so stay out of his way." 

I slowly nodded. "Are you guys still fighting?" 

His features became solemn. "You hear that, huh?" 

"At the hospital and sometimes at night - it's because of me, isn't it?" 

"Don't think like that," He shook his head, "Whatever happens between your dad and I had nothing to do with you or Lyss." He stood and smoothed out his work shirt. "Promise me you won't blame yourself." 

"I promise." 

He walked to the other side of the room, pausing with his hand on the door knob. "Goodnight AJ," He sighed, "and don't smoke in the house again." He smiled as he shut my door. 

"Craaap." I ran my hands through my hair and flopped back on my bed. At least he took it better than my dad would've. I looked at the plate my daddy brought in and grabbed it as I slunk over to my computer desk. I nibbled on it as I signed onto Asher's internet connection. 'You there?' I typed into the IM window. 

'What the fuck happened to you today? Everyone's saying you beat the shit out of Kently!' 

You had to love Asher's enthusiasm. 'I just broke his knee and maybe a black eye.' I hit send and relaxed. 

'So what - did you get a detention or in-house?' 

'Neither - I'm expelled.' I shoved a piece of bread in my mouth and snubbed my nose at the milky substance filling the clear glass. I've been drinking it for as long as I could remember, thankfully, the taste grew on me a long time ago. 

I was alerted by a new message. 'So where are you going now?' 

'I don't know, my dad wants to send me to St. Charlie's.' 

'An all boy's school? Those guys are pampered dicks!' I could hear his laughter radiating through the screen. 

"AJ, get down here!" Dad yelled from downstairs. I didn't even know he had come out of his room. I hit the power button, instantly erasing the whole conversation. "Aaron James Harper!" 

"I'm fucking coming!" I yelled back as I reached the bottom of the stairs. He and daddy were sitting in the living room with the TV off. 

"Sit down." He commanded as he pointed to an empty seat. I could see Lyss kneeling at the head of the stairs, attempting to listen in. 

I sighed and walked over. I yelped as Dad slapped my leg when I passed him. "I told you to watch your mouth." He continued to glare at me until I sat down. 

"What do you guys want?" I smiled cockily and relaxed in my chair. 

Dad's eyes slit. "Wipe that smirk off your face - you're just damn lucky we aren't having you committed right now!" 

I scoffed, "Watch your mouth dad, Lyss is listening." Daddy jumped from his seat and jogged up the stairs. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" 

"No. I wanted to tell you that you're going to work with me tomorrow since you obviously can't return to school." He said flustered. I let my head fall back over the sofa. I hated his job - all it consisted of was paper work and evidence pictures. "Do you hear me?" 

"I'm not going." I stated reluctantly and pushed myself back to my feet. 

He pushed my shoulder and forced me back down. "I'm not finished." 

I crossed my arms tightly. "Fine - what else?" 

"Watch your tone." He warned. 

I smirked. "Can't watch something I can't see." I spat. 

His hand shot out and I felt the sharp pain as it connected with my cheek. My head involuntarily turned and my eyes watered. "Don't be a smart-ass." 

I lightly touched my cheek, too shocked to speak. I shook it off and refocused my vision. "Y-you slapped me." 

"Damn right I did and I'm going to again if you don't clean up your act." He pulled back and ran his hand through his hair. "Go to your room." He turned away and I hurried up the stairs. 

"AJ!" Daddy called right before I could slip into my room. 

"W-what?" I stuttered before I could stop myself. 

"What happened -" He turned me and allowed his question to fall. "Did he slap you?!" His hand lightly traced my jaw. 

"I'm fine." I ducked into my room and shut the door, pausing long enough to lock it. I stalked over to my drawer and grabbed my pocket knife. I clutched the small metal object in my hand and moved the wrist band to expose the healing cuts. The last time I had cut was a couple of weeks ago and I thought I could have gone longer but I was already giving in - it just showed how truly weak I was.

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now