Chapter 12: Blast from the Past

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 12: Blast from the Past

Nate's POV

               I could hear Mark, Alix, and Jesse all laughing in the next room and the sound made my skin crawl. I hadn't seen any of these guys since Jesse was locked up about a year and a half ago. I was nowhere near over the whole ordeal but him coming back into my life definitely wasn't going to help me. I was continuously getting flashbacks, so vivid in their reality. The worst was the first time Jesse raped me - I was only twelve.  

               Jesse and I first met when I was eleven and he was great to me but it took him a full year to show his true colors. I was in love but Jesse's idea of love was convoluted. In his mind, there was no love without pain and he did an excellent job of reminding me of that. "Nate, get your ass in here!" He yelled through the walls. I got to my feet instantly, not giving him any reason to get angry. I stumbled over to him, Mark and Alix's eyes bearing into my backside. Jesse smiled and pulled me onto his lap. "I've missed you." He smiled against my neck and nibbled at my exposed flesh. His teeth scratched across uneasily, sending goose bumps down my arms. "Miss me too?" 

I shook my head quickly. He slightly laughed and pushed his lips to mine roughly. "Stop hogging him Jess, we missed him too!" Mark whined with a sinister smiled lighting up his face. 

Jesse held me closer, crushing my weak ribs. "He's my boyfriend!" He argued back. A pang ran through my heart and it reminded me why I fell for Jesse. He was always muttering little cliché statements because he knew I loved them. He pushed me back to my feet and smacked my left butt cheek. "Go get them some drinks - maybe a few beers will mellow them." I did as instructed. I brought back three cans: one for Mark, one for Alix, and one for Jesse. They drank while I sat next to Jesse, his hands roaming randomly over my body. I didn't like his touch - it was hard and definite, unlike AJ's. I wished I hadn't run away from him, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be here now.  

               After a while, Alix became restless and disappeared into the kitchen. When he returned, he was holding another can. "Here kid, you gotta have some fun too." He shoved it into my hands and I noticed it had already been popped open. 

I looked to Jesse knowing he would make me drink it anyway. He gave me a warning glance as I hesitantly brought it to my lips. I had no idea if it was spiked and if it was - with what was an enigma. I haven't had any kind of alcohol in almost a year and I was proud of myself for that but now the streak was over. I allowed the foul liquid to flow down my hoarse throat and settle in the pit of my stomach. I could feel the cool flow deep in my chest as if froze my empty stomach over. Alix collapsed back in his spot and flipped through the channels on the television while I emptied the can. "Look at ya Nate; what did you lose fifty pounds while I was gone?" Jesse poked my side and hugged me tighter. I had lost a couple pounds but most of my weight was lost while Jesse and I were still dating - or should I say surviving?  

               I moaned as I forced my heavy eyes open. I knew that can was spiked and I cursed myself for drinking it. I cursed myself for coming back. I cursed myself for ever falling for Jesse and his sadistic friends. Tears began slipping from my eyes unwillingly as I pulled myself out of the reverie that the drug kept me under. 

"Don't cry - I'm right here." Jesse cooed into my ear. His hand was draped over my exposed chest lazily, wrapped in a pair of metal claps attached to my tender nipples. I couldn't feel them anymore which meant they had been on there for a while - which also meant they were going to hurt like hell when they came off. My hands and feet were chained to the bedposts and as my eyes traveled lower I noticed I was dressed in a simple pair of leather shorts. I hated them: they were hot, noisy, and caused the already painful lick to worsen when Jesse decided he wanted to have some fun. My chest began to heave uncontrollably. I was unable to voice any of my fears, regrets, or complaints. "Nate, shut the fuck up!" I flinched as he balled his fist was raised it but collapsed half way through, passing out drunk over my chest - cutting off my already labored breathing. I felt no discomfort or pain so I knew they hadn't done anything - yet at least. 

I pulled on the chains, the loud clinking filling the whole room. The sun slightly peeked through the tattered curtains, blinding me as it seemed to focus on my exposed body. The door creaked open and someone stumbled in. "Ay, Nate, how've you been?" Mark mumbled as he rolled Jesse off me and allowed my lungs to fully inflate. Jesse grumbled as he got back to his feet and disappeared into another room. "I guess you're all mine." Mark smiled and jerked on the narrow chain that connected the two clamps. I jumped as the metal teeth embedded deeper into my skin, causing him to laugh. He eagerly pushed his lips to mine and forced his tongue into my mouth. He yelped as I bit it and part of his lower lip. He jumped away, cupping his mouth. "You son of a bitch!" He hollered as he repeatedly socked my stomach. I attempted to block the pain but it was quick and suffocating. I curved my body as much as I could to avoid the blows but it wasn't much. He stopped and ran his hand along the bettered skin. "You shouldn't have done that Nate." I involuntarily arched my back as he pulled the clamps off, blood flowing back painfully. Tears were flowing down the sides of my face and I hated the fact that no one could hear me scream. He moved down and unbuckled my ankles, freeing my legs long enough to pull down the skimpy pair of shorts. I began crying harder as my body began to spasm. Mark climbed on top of me, slipping his jeans off and tossing them to the ground. "We all missed you." He began kissing down my neck and trailed lower. I could feel him against me, hard and ready. 

'Jesse!' I mentally screamed. I struggled under his weight, causing a ragged Jesse to run into the room. 

His eyes lit up with anger and I instantly regretted making so much noise. He advanced and I braced myself for the inevitable. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" His fist connected with Mark's jaw and he tumbled off the bed. Jesse got to work unbuckling me as Mark lay moaning on the ground. "Come here Nate." Jesse held his arms out from me and I hesitated before crawling into them. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear as he carried me into the living room. I made no effort to stop my cries and neither did he.  

"What the hell was that?" Mark asked as he held a bloodied rag under his nose. 

Jesse gently slid me off his lap and onto the couch before grabbing Mark by his shirt collar and threw his out the front door. "Nate is my boyfriend - I don't want you anywhere near here until you can respect that!" He slammed the door and rejoined me. "I promise I'll make everything up to you and I'm starting with that creep." He pulled me closer and just held me, "I promise." He was different but that didn't stop my heart from racing every time he came within feet of me. "I love you Nate." He kissed my cheek and handed me my backpack do I could get dressed. "I'll take you to school when you're ready." He smiled as I closed the bathroom door. I took in the familiar scent of incense as they burned on the shelf above the sink. Full length mirrors outlined my ghostly body, purpling skin so thin I could imagine the protruding edges of bone splintering through to rear their ugly faces. My ribs and abdomen were bruised, red blisters layering them from Mark's rings. Then there was the jagged scar that constantly reminded me of Jesse's temper. It started just above my collar bone, narrowly missing my jugular - if he had gone a few millimeters over, I would have bled to death on his bedroom floor. 

               I sat down on the edge of the bath tub and rested my elbows on my knees. There was no way I was going to survive that life again but I really had no choice. The weather was going to start getting colder as winter approached and I would freeze to death in the tree - as far as AJ, I couldn't let him get involved.

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now