Chapter 11: If it's Just

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 11: If it's Just


               Nate rounded the corner as I stopped. He was fast and I was out of breath. That guy had really gotten to him and I couldn't let him disappear like nothing. If Nate was upset would he have ran back to the park? I knew he wouldn't go back to my house and he seemed so reluctant to go home...I headed for the park, my eyes searching desperately for the street signs that took me there. "Nate!" I yelled once I was able to see the tree. I met him under that tree and he told me he hung out there a lot. I slammed into the trunk and hurriedly climbed but he wasn't there. I ran my hand through my hair as I pulled my cell out of my pocket. I hit speed dial and waited for Asher to answer. 

"Hell - hellos?" He was clearly drunk, high or both.  

I rubbed the bridge of my nose to relieve the headache that was beginning to form. "Asher you asshole, I need you!" I hissed. 

"Where are you?' He slurred back. 

"At the park - you think you can get here? Nate is missing and I need help finding him." 

He scoffed. "All this for that pathetic faggot? I don't know why you bother AJ - he was better off dead that night." He hung up and I wanted nothing more than to break his neck. Nate didn't deserve to drown to death but Asher on the other hand... 

               I scrolled through my cell, noticing the twenty-seven missed calls from my dads. I sighed and dialed my dad's number. "Where the hell have you been?!" He bellowed the second he answered. 

"I can't find Nate!" I cried back. I turned down another street and instantly stumbled. "Shit!" I cried as I hit the floor. My phoned skidded across the sidewalk and into some bushes. I looked back and my eyes widened as they caught sight of my wristband. Nate didn't know how much it meant to me but I'm sure he treasured it more than this. I snatched the band off the ground and searched for my cell. It slid into the bushes when I fell but I wasn't exactly fond of sticking my hand in a random plant. There could be spiders, bugs, and anything else I didn't much care for. I could barely see the shiny outer case and reached for it. Why didn't Nate have a cell at least? 

"Jesses out and he got back with that pussy." Two guys laughed across the street but I didn't bother to pay much attention. "At least we don't have to hear him cry any more - Jesse cut his throat." They busted out in laughter again. 

I shoved my cell back in my pocket and slipped the band back around my wrist, hiding my scars. I'm glad Nate didn't see them and I was stupid to expose them but that band was a cherished possession and I wanted him to have it. I just don't understand why he would drop it. 

"AJ get in the fucken car right now!" Dad yelled out his window as he pulled up, alarming the two guys across the street. I rolled my eyes and slunk into the passenger seat. "Do you know how much trouble you're in right now?!" 

"Why am I not fucken surprised? I'm always in trouble and do you care that Nate is missing - No!" I yelled back, sounding like a small child. 

He slammed the gas pedal and the car lurched forward. "Nate - unlike your sorry ass - probably had enough sense to go home when he was supposed to. I swear AJ, you're not going to be able to sit for the next month! I am so tired of you reckless behavior." 

"Then why do you even bother? Why don't you just send me away like Jackson's mom did?" Jackson was my best friend, at least until his mom sent him to a metal hospital a couple of years ago. He was barred from any outside social interaction and long story short - we never saw him again. 

"I'm not going to send you away. I'm not the type of person to do that but you are my son and I will not have you acting like this!" 

"I'm Ikuto's son too you know!" 

"I'm aware of that but leave it to him, you'll end up in Juvie before you turn eighteen." 

I crossed my arms over my chest tightly, "I turn eighteen in three months - what are you going to do after that?" 

"I'll have you committed if I have to and don't think I forgot about that stunt you pulled with Asher - how long have you been popping pills?" 

I stayed silent. I couldn't tell him I've been downing pills like candy since I was twelve - shit, it's a wonder I've lasted this long. "I wanna go home." I mumbled. 

He ran his hand through his slicked hair, "We're going home and when we get there I want you to go straight to your room - understand?" He didn't push it even though I never answered. 

               "Fuck." I hissed as I gripped the leg of my dad's jeans. He was once again beating my ass but he told me he wasn't going to stop at twenty. I was getting ten for my language, ten for going to the party, and another ten for the Skittling game. He was also going to put me in a program to get drug screened on a weekly basis. "Okay I'm sorry!" His hand fell again and I yelped at the sting. "I promise I'll watch my mouth!" I attempted to cover my tender ass from any more slaps but he trapped it under me.  

"Aaron, I told you last time I wouldn't hesitate to spank you but you really are pushing me." His hand continued to deliver the painful licks and all I could do was whimper on his lap like I did when I was four. Of course he didn't use as much force as he did now. "What are you going to do after school from now on?" 

"C-come home." I stuttered. "I promise I'll come home." 

"You better and I don't want to hear of you drinking or taking anymore drugs - understand?" 

I quickly shook my head. "Yes dad." He hugged me and left me in my room again. "Shit." I whimpered as I rubbed the pulsating skin. I hadn't missed getting spanked when I was younger and I defiantly wouldn't miss it in three months when he legally couldn't do anything to me.

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now