Chapter 18: A Last Pitiful Act

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 18: A Last Pitiful Act

Nate's POV

               "Nate!" I could her AJ's voice, calling me through the darkness. I fought it but it didn't lessen its grip. I wanted to scream out him name, tell him to leave before he got hurt. Jesse was ruthless and wouldn't blink at the thought of killing him. "Nate, come on." He had resorted to begging. 

'I'm sorry AJ.' I cried despite the fact that I couldn't control my mouth. I could hear him fighting with Jesse and both of them falling to the ground. I forced my eyes open, pain shooting through my head. I pushed myself off the couch and limped into the kitchen, my hole objecting after being stretched so viciously. I limply grabbed one of his heavier cooking skillets and dragged it back into the living room. Normally, I was able to carry it without a problem but right now I was lucky to even drag it. AJ was gasping with Jesse pinning him down. I lifted the iron over my head and let it fall, my feet moving quickly to keep my own balance. Jesse went limp against AJ and I faintly heard him call my name before I blacked out again. 

               I was jolted and met by a bright, white light. Antiseptic filled the air and I could barely breathe through the blood that clotted my nose. "Nate, can you hear me?" I flinched as a needle was guided into my vein and an IV line was started. "Nate, we're going to take you to the hospital - you're going to be okay." 

               I would never be okay. As long as Jesse was alive, he would always hunt me. I wasn't even really a person to him; I was just an object that would do anything he said to. So many times I wished that I could've been strong enough to end it all. If I could've swallowed a handful of pills or slit my wrists than I wouldn't be here now and AJ never would have met Jesse. Kently was right, my mom should have aborted me when she had the chance. At least then, she would have been able to overcome her attack rather than relive it every time she looked at me. 

               I ran through the house with Kently on my heels, running and screaming like an average four year old. "I'm gonna get you!" He yelled as I turned a corner. 

"Boys, stop running!" Our mother admonished from the kitchen. "Kently you still need to do your homework and Nate -" I looked up at her, my eyes bright and shining. "- go to your room." My smile faded. I was often sent to my room so she wouldn't have to see me. 

"But mommy I -" I grabbed her fingers and she jerked away. 

Her eyes grew cold as she looked at me. "Don't call me 'mommy.'" She took Kently's hand and led him away, leaving me standing in the hall alone. 

"Mommy, I want to play with Nate." Kently objected but our mother ignored him. He turned back to look at me as I ran into the bathroom. I pulled the step stool in front of the sink and climbed up, my reflection visible in the mirror. I didn't understand why my brother and I were different but mommy had always treated me with a reserved level of animosity. 

"I hate you." I said to my reflection. My grey eyes simply stared back at me. Why didn't mommy like to look at me? Was I ugly? Had I done something wrong? "Mommy hates you because you're a bad boy!" I screamed and watched the grey haze over. I quickly wiped my eyes to stop the tears that refused to cease. "I hate you!" I kneeled on the sink, my forehead resting against the reflective glass. Nothing I did ever seemed right - if anything, it caused more disdain in her eyes that were always filled with so much love for Kently. 

"Nate!" She hurried over to me and pulled me off the sink. "What do you think you're doing up there?!" She was shaking me with her hands firmly planted on my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry!" I cried as my hands came up around my face. Snot ran from my nose and my cheeks were red with exhaust. "I'm sorry Mommy!" My chest rumbled with uncontrollable sobs. 

She let go of me and I backed against the wall, staring up at her. Her face went emotionless again and she grabbed my upper arm. "I told you to go to your room." She dragged me through the house and down the main hall to my bedroom. "Why didn't you do what I told you?" 

"I'm sorry." I choked out a final time as she pushed me in and closed the door behind me. I sat down in the middle of the rug, my hands neatly folded in my lap. I must have done something to make her hate me - I just didn't know what... 

               I sat quietly in the back seat, my mouth knowing better than to even utter a word. My mom, her husband, Kently, and my new baby brother - that I wasn't supposed to acknowledge as a sibling - were all going on a family trip and as usual, I wasn't allowed to go. Instead, my mom packed me a bag and planned on dumping me on my aunt who ran a halfway house for troubled youth - she thought it would be good for me...I wouldn't have minded except my aunt was just like my mom: cold, distant, and unfamiliar. 

"Have fun Nate!" My mom waved as they drove away, leaving me stand in front of the old brick building. I clutched my bag closer as I walked up the walk. My mother's and my relationship was always one that was a bit confusing to me. Sometimes she would act like she cared about me but other times she would act like we were complete strangers. 

I knocked on the door and waited for my aunt to answer. 

The door opened and a tall woman with a pinched face stared down at me. "'Bout time you got here." She grumbled and hurried me inside. I hated staying with her but it was slightly better than living at home - at least with my aunt, I knew she hated me. 

               Nate - just my name alone made me think of weakness. I was weak and I really had nothing in my life to prove any differently. There wasn't anyone I knew that wouldn't benefit from my death: my mother wouldn't have to live with the proof of her rape in her house, Kently could let go of his contempt, Scott could grow up in a healthier household, and AJ...AJ could find someone worthy or his love. I cursed myself for being so damn pathetic and for my last pitiful act, I released everything. I took the coward's way out and casted off my very life...


There's only two chappies left guys D': Although, I am proud that I'm finishing another story! :D After this story is complete I am going to start on the sequel to The Alpha's Omega, Beyond Our Titles and a newer story called Something's Up With the Grey Twins. As usual, both of these stories are Boy/Boy but since you guys are reading this one I assume you have no problem with that XD Bye bye for now! :D

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now