Chapter 5: The Party

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The Silent Boy [Boy\/Boy]: Chapter 5: The Party


               There were a couple of knocks on my window, the soft noise filling my silent room. I stood and walked over to the only source of light.

"What are you doing here?" Asher leaned against the windowpane, his toes barely touching the tip of a distended tree branch.

He flashed a movie-star smile, "Checking on you but your dad wouldn't let me in."

"Yeah - I'm grounded."

He propelled himself through the window, crashing to my bedroom floor with a loud thud. "Shit." He slightly whimpered.

"Ash!" I whined as I heard heavy steps on the stairs. "Fuck." I pulled him off the ground and shoved him into my closet, quickly grabbing a book and knelt as if I had been picking it up.

The door opened and my dad stepped in. "Are you okay AJ?"

"Yeah - I just dropped...the almanac." I lied as I realized what book I had randomly grabbed. Why the hell did I have an almanac - what the fuck was it used for anyway?!

His eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Alright, dinner will be ready in ten minutes." I nodded and he closed my door again.

"Are you a complete idiot?" I hissed as Asher slunk back into my room.

"I've always been an idiot - that's what makes me fun." He smiled widely and chuckled. "When did you become such a pussy?"

I less than playfully slugged him in the shoulder. "Shut up."

He rubbed his upper arm and climbed onto my bed with me. "Stacy McKoy is having a party - you in?"

I looked at him half-heartedly. "I'm grounded Ash - I'm not allowed to leave my room."

"Shit - that's never stopped you before." He reached into his pocket and pulled out six rolled joints. "Come on, I've got dessert!" He chimed.

I wanted to give in and smoke the night away like there was no tomorrow but I was expected at dinner. "I have to cut back...they think I have an eating disorder." A lack of appetite was common with Asher's joints so I had no need to dwell deeper.

"Sucks to be you - besides I heard Stacy invited Kently and he's bringing that mute faggot from second period." What did Kently have to do with Nate...and what were they planning to do to him?

"Fuck it." I mumbled as I jumped up and grabbed my shoes. I slipped them off and hurried Ash back out the window. "Where does Stacy live?"

"Two streets over...are you okay?" I was furthest from okay. I don't know what he's gone through but he didn't deserve to be bullied. A part of me that I thought I had abandoned long ago bubbled to the surface. No one was going to hurt Nate - at least, not while I was around.

               Stacy blared the music, causing the whole house to vibrate. Her parents were gone a lot so parties like this were common but I was normally half drunk by time I made it here. This time, I was fully sober. I quickly spotted Nate on the couch. His notebook nowhere in sight. He looked bored and partially terrified at the new surroundings. "Hey Nate!" I called but was barely heard over the music. I attempted to move closer but was stopped by Charley and Sabrina from my home period.

"Hey AJ." They giggled, moving their hands to mine. One of them rested a free hand on my zipper, playing with the button on my jeans. "Wanna have some fun?"

"No thanks." I pushed them off me and ran into the room; the seat that Nate had occupied was empty. "Shit." I ran my fingers through my hair and headed down the hall. Nate had to somewhere.

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now