Chapter 15: A Promise Is Just A Pretty Lie

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 15: A Promise Is Just A Pretty Lie

Nate's POV 

               Jesse kissed down my neck and pulled me into his arms. "What are you thinking?" He purred. I reached for my notebook but he trapped my hands in his. "Never mind." He smiled. I stared into his eyes - so clear and deceiving. His articulate face was forever burned in my memory and the past which remained unchangeable. "I love you." His hands roamed my upper body and his lips crashed with mine painfully. The snakebites were just nonsense and always getting in the way but he was the one that forced to get them so I found myself unable to ever take them out. "Show me you love me Nate." He began to undo his belt and I quickly laid my hand on his. I shook my head and he stopped. "What's wrong?" 

I grabbed for my notebook again but this time he didn't stop me. 'I don't want to do anything sexual.'  

"Why not?" He whined. "I thought you loved me Nate." 

'I do but there's more ways to show that.' I lied. I didn't love him - I hated him with every cell of my being but the only thing keeping him from AJ was me. 

"Forget it - I'm calling Mark over." He snatched his cell phone off the coffee table. 

'You said he wasn't going to come over any more.' I objected, shoving my notebook in his face like a small child would a drawing to a parent. 

He ripped it from my hands with a smile. "I said he wasn't going to come here for you - I never said he couldn't come over for me. Who else do you think will take care of my dick, obviously not you." He walked into his room and slammed the door, locking my notebook in there with him. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sunk deeper into the corner of the couch. I didn't want to be here with Jesse or back in this house for that matter. I hated this house; all it did was remind me of all the pain and manipulation... 

               "Oh my god!" Jesse gasped. I could hear him through the door as if he were in the room with me. Mark and he had been in his room for only ten minutes and already Jesse was hitting climax. It always took him longer when he was with me. I angrily grabbed a pillow and buried my head under it - refusing to hear anymore. He was supposed to be my boyfriend and I don't remember agreeing to an open relationship but this was Jesse and I most likely wouldn't say anything about it. I allowed myself to drift off, not bothering to care about them anymore. 

               "AJ!" I yelled happily, running to meet him across the street. He was standing with Alicia, carrying bags from a nearby store. 

He kissed me on the cheek and Lyss giggled. "Hey you." He smiled. My cheeks burned as I blushed. He always seemed to make me blush but he never really noticed. "You ready to go?" 

"Go where?" I questioned, cocking my head slightly to the side. 

He turned me and covered my eyes, pulling me against his body. "You'll have to wait and see." He continued to lead me, not uncovering my eyes until we came to the park and was standing under the same tree. A heart was carved under one of the lower branches and I laughed at the cliché aspect of it. 

"Why are we here?"  

He shrugged and swung onto the branch. "This is where we first met, 'member?" I remember, he was on the verge of tears. 

"Please don't think about that." He sighed as if he could read my mind. 

I climbed up after him and sat a few feet away, "Fine but only if you give me something else to think about." I laughed and scooted closer. 

"That might he hard." He laughed and leaned in. I craved the feeling of his lips on mine and he knew it. 

Our lips met with a form of electricity, igniting a blazing fire deep within me. My breath was knocked from me and for a second I couldn't breathe. "Did that work?" He joked and kissed me again. 

"Maybe." I shrugged, smiling again. 

He leaned back on his elbows, carefully balancing on the branch. "God I love to see you smile." I tipped my head so my hair covered my eyes, suddenly embarrassed. "Don't do that Nate, you have nothing to be embarrassed about." He placed two fingers under my chin and brought my head back up. 

He stared right at me and for once, I didn't want to turn away - I wasn't embarrassed and I felt like I had no reason to be. He didn't know of my past or my scars but it seemed like it wouldn't bother him even if he knew. "I love you Nate." He whispered but it wasn't his voice. It was one that scared me, diminishing the fire instantly. I instinctly pushed him away and was met by his hurt features. I wanted to pull him back and apologize but I couldn't reach him. He was feet from me without moving and I couldn't seem to move. I felt invisible hands tracing over my skin, resting just above my pants. I hit at them but I kept missing. 

               I jolted awake, my eyes instantly meeting with Mark's. I tried to scream but nothing came out and I realized I was still restricted in the real world."It's no use, Jesses not going to help you this time." He smiled sinisterly as he ripped the front of my shirt. My scars and bruises seemed so hard in the dim lighting, crawling over and covering my ribs. He did this to me and now he was smiling down at his work. "Don't worry little Nate, it won't hurt that bad." He kissed my neck and traveled lower. I pushed him away and attempted to run but he grabbed my ankle and trapped me against the couch. "When are you going to learn that you won't get away from me?" He took both my hands in his and held them above my head. "Got it?" He unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down to my knees, then did the same to my shorts. Fear seized my heart as painful flashbacks played behind my eyes. His hand stroked me, urging a reaction that I couldn't fight against. His fingers violated me as violent sobs wracked my body. He sat on my thighs so my kicks and struggles had no effect. He took me into his mouth and ran his tongue over my tip, demanding it stand at full attention. His free hand pulled at his own member, readying it for another good time. I cried harder, images of blood soaked clothing coming into view. I had scares left by him, mainly because he was a sadistic asshole. "I promise you'll enjoy it." He whispered and flipped me onto my stomach. He pinned my hands down again but this time behind my back and held them there with a pair of cuffs. His hand ran down my bare body and rested just above my butt. He slammed into me and I silently screamed. Streaks of pain jolted through me as a wave of nausea overtook my stomach. I tried to push him away, my fingertips barely touching his abdomen as he pulled out and repeatedly reentered. His breathing labored as he quickened his pace. I could feel myself tearing and the warm blood that traced a line down to my tip. He pulled out and I readied myself for him again. Tears were flowing down the sides of my face endlessly as I mentally screamed for Jesse. "Relax Nate, you're so tight." He leaned in and I spit, hitting his cheek. I hated the way he humiliated me - denigrated me as if I was inferior, but in a way, I guess I was. He jerked back in surprise and shock. "You little piece of shit!" He wrapped his hand around my neck and I lay hapless against him. I gasped through my restricted muscles, black blotches blooming behind my eyelids. He lifted his balled fist and I flinched as it ascended. The pain burst through my nose, tears instantly springing to my eyes again. He threw me back onto the sofa and I coughed as my airway was released. He dressed as I struggled to regain my proper breathing and released the cuffs right before he left. Jesse never came out, nor did he try to help me. He left me as the mercy of Mark, just sitting on the couch - hugging my naked, abused body in silence and I couldn't help thinking of something my grandma told me when I was young after my mom promised to take me with them on a family vacation: A promise is just a pretty lie. I didn't understand it then but I did now.


Poor Nate! D': I hated writing this chapter....

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