Chapter 10: Jesse

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 10: Jesse

Nate's POV

               Jesse was standing just feet away. He was there and everything came rushing back. He wasn't supposed to be here - he wasn't supposed to be released for another couple of years! 

"Nate, please talk to me." AJ begged as we walked down the street. I couldn't - I had nothing to say. I never intended to tell him anything about Jesse but I knew he would become curious once he was my body...I knew he would eventually, it's not like I could wear turtle necks for the rest of my life. "Nate?" 

I grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and opened a new message window. 'What do you want me to say?' I typed out, having left my notebook at his house. 

"I want you to fucken tell me who that guy was and why he scared the living hell out of you!" He cried, pulling on my shoulder to stop me. I hadn't realized how fast I was walking, the only thing I could think about was getting away from the party.  

               I've known Jesse had been released since he left that note of AJ's hospital door but it's not like him to confront me in front of others. He only showed his true colors in front of Mark and Alix and that's only because they acted the same way when they were in relationships. They got a superficial high on the power and it made them feel big to see their significant others cringe in fear. Jesse was the worst out of all of them and my home life made it easy for him to manipulate me. I was young and just looking for anyone to show me some kind of attention and I would do anything to make them love me back. Jesse took advantage of that and eventually left me permanently scared. 

               I shoved AJ's phone back into his hand and took off down the street. I could hear him running behind me but I knew I could outlast him. I had been running my whole life and I could run for an hour without having to stop. "Nate!" I ignored him, taking sharp turns in hopes that I would loose him. He wanted answers and I couldn't give them to him. He may be my boyfriend but I still didn't fully trust him and my past with Jesse was heavily guarded. No one knew exactly what he did while we were going out and it would take a lot for me to tell anyone. AJ's footsteps grew fainter as I picked up my pace. I headed to the park, out of other places to go. I couldn't go home and I wasn't going to go back to AJ's house. I climbed up the familiar tree and crouched on the third branch. It was here that I first talked to AJ and ironically enough, it was also here that I met Jesse for the first time. He was so different though... 

               I watched the three guys as they threw a football back and fourth to each other. They were smiling and laughing like idiots. "Hey Jess!" One of them yelled as he threw the ball. He was tall with goldish hair and welcoming eyes. He had a sturdy build and he looked like a high school football player. 

"Alix!" He yelled back once he had reached the other half of the grounds. He caught the ball and left the third guy panting for air. 

"You know - it's really not fair. You guys are on a team and I have nobody." He whined. 

Jess threw his arm around him and laughed. "Stop whining Mark." 

Mark's eyes glinted and he attacked an unsuspecting Jess. They fell to the ground and struggled for an upper hand. They neared the tree I had been hiding in when they came and had been too afraid to climb out of while they were here. "Give it up!" Jess yelled as Mark shoved him again. They fell against the trunk and caused the whole thing to vibrate. My grip slipped and I fell. I heard a grunt as I land on one of them, I quickly closed my eyes, terrified to find out which one I landed on. "Looks like it's raining boys!" Mark laughed hysterically. 

"Are you okay?" Jess asked as he helped me to my feet. 

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. "I'm really sorry!" 

He slightly laughed. "It's cool - I'm Jesse." 

"Nate." I smiled. 

"Listen Nate - we're down one player." He snatched the ball from Alix's hands. "You up for a game?" 

His eyes were begging and I found myself unable to say no. "O-okay." 

"Great." He smiled widely. He tossed me the ball and took off. They invited me back to play the next day and I hung out with Jesse every chance he asked. I was falling hard for him and it was fulfilling my need deep within my chest. He made me feel like someone actually needed me and I loved it. 

               I pulled my knees to my chest, my eyes hazing over. I wished it would start raining so no one would know I was on the verge of tears. I hated people seeing me cry - I hated showing any form of weakness. "You haven't changed at all." I froze again. "Why aren't you talking to me Nate?" Jesse laughed. He held the bottom branch in his hand, using it to lift himself up. Even though he was nineteen, he still looked like he was sixteen. "Oh that's right - you can't talk anymore." He laughed. I whimpered as he neared me, too afraid to actually move. "See what happens when you want to leave. Your words hurt me so I had to do it. It was your fault after all." His hand ran down the side of my face. I flinched away, terrified of the pain it had once inflicted on me. He grabbed my jaw between his fingers and forced me to look at him. "How's the scar?" He jerked the front of my shirt down to expose the four inch mark that tore it's way across my throat. It was just one of the many scars he gave me but this one stole my voice. He severed my vocal cords when he ripped the knife across my throat and I had to live with that for the rest of my life. 

I pushed his hand away and scooted closer to the trunk. He didn't hesitate to slap me. I lost my balance and fell, the air rushing passed me as the ground neared. I gasped silently as I hit. My ribs screamed along with my arm. I fell on it but thankfully it wasn't broken. Jesse landed a few feet from me. He wrapped his fingers in the neck of my shirt and forced me to look at him again. "How does it feel Nate? How does it feel that no one in the world cares about you?" He bellowed. "That guy doesn't even care about you - you think he even bothered to come out and look for you after you ran off?" 

'You're wrong!' I wanted to scream but couldn't. AJ tried to follow me but he couldn't keep up. Without warning Jesse kicked me in my stomach. The air was forced from my lungs as I curled in a fetal position. He kicked three more times before he collapsed on the ground next to me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry Nate it's just that - you make me crazy! You promised you would never leave me but you were lying." He cried. "You was going to leave me." I sat still. If I moved he would hit me again but this wouldn't be like last time. I didn't have a voice to shout. "Do you forgive me?" I shakily shook my head. "Then prove it, come live with me again. You can't stay in the park forever." 

I reluctantly agreed.



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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now