Chapter 2: Little Too Far

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The Silent Boy [Boy\/Boy]: Chapter 2: Little Too Far


               I leaned against the door frame as Alyssa jumped around comically, attempting to tie her laces. She finally gave up and settled onto her bed, "Stop staring at me." 

"So you're taking to me again?" I asked, hiding the hopeful tone in my voice. 

She rolled her eyes, still refusing to look at me. "Leave me alone, I'm already late for soccer practice." She jumped up ad grabbed her shin guards before pushing passed me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "Hey - let go!" She whined. 

I eased in closer, our noses just inches apart. "Not until you forgive me." I taunted,  

"Daddy!" She cried as she fought against me. She was a scrawny kid and I already had a good seven inches on her.  

"AJ, do you really have to pick on your little sister?" Daddy was standing in the hall, just on the other side of the open door.  

I let her go, my playful mood slipping. "Why do you care?" I sneered, stepping closer to him. He slightly winced and I took pride in that fact that a part of him was scared of me. 

"Leave Lyss alone." He stated before turning his attention back to my little sister. "Dads waiting out in the car." She quickly nodded her head and ran down stairs. "You're grounded for not coming home last night - now get to your room." Was he serious - did he honestly think he was enough to stop me? 

I smirked as I walked passed him, "That sounds fun and all but I told Asher I would meet him so, see ya!" I left him mumbling in the hall way as I grabbed the keys to his car from the group of sets hanging on the door and let myself out. 

                I laughed hysterically as Asher downed half his beer, the smoke wafting from my cigarette obvious that it contained more than just tobacco. Ash took a hit before passing it back. We were hanging out on the railing of the abandoned gym, no one here since it was a barely Saturday afternoon. "My parents are a fucken joke." I admitted as I snatched the rest of the beer from his hand. "Ikuto actually tried to ground me." 

Asher knew how my dads were - especially Ikuto. He was a pushover when it came to me - at least he was now. 

                My daddy wasn't always a push-over, he used to put me in my place when I needed to be and kept me in line as much as he could - but everything changed my second year of school. Since Dad and Daddy were still working my Aunt Ruka and Uncle Kyoya would pick me up from school and I would hang out at my grandparents' house with them. I knew something had been wrong when my daddy picked me up that afternoon. 

                I walked with Asher out of the school, my eyes snapping straight to the familiar car and my daddy standing in front of it. I quickly said bye to Ash before running to him, excited that he was picking me up for the first time in a couple of months. He picked me up and held me to him, his arms wrapping me in a protective casing. "Daddy, what's wrong?" 

He sniffled lightly, not wanting me to see him cry. "Nothing little man, how was school?" 

I climbed into the back seat and buckled myself into my booster seat. I hated it, it made me feel like a baby but I was still to little to sit in the seat by myself. "It was okay, where's Auntie and Uncle?" 

His eyes instantly glazed over again as he turned in his seat. "AJ, do you remember when Uncle Roth went to live with the angels?" 

"Yeah." Uncle Roth had an accident and had to stay in the hospital for a while. He went to live with the angels the third day he was there and the angels took his pain away. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now