Chapter 6: Skittling

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 6: Skittling


               I watched Nate carefully, noting the fact that he never smiled. He offered a smirk every once in a while but he never smiled. "So Nate, did you and AJ meet at school?" My dad prodded.  

He shot me a questioning look as he began to open his notebook. "Please don't berate him - he doesn't speak." Daddy looked down at his food, obviously feeling sympathy for Nate. 

'We met in the park actually.' He held it up for Dad to read. 

"Aww - that's so sweet!" Alicia gushed. "Don't you go to Weight High though?" 

'Yes but we've never talked at school before.' His answers were curt without actually being disrespectful. Even though I tried to keep my mind at the table, I couldn't stop it from roaming back to the bathroom. Nate had kissed me and I liked it - I wanted him to do it again but I would never admit it. 

My dad stood once everyone was done eating and took the plates. He kissed Daddy on the cheek as he passed. Nate cocked and eyebrow and smirked. I wanted to know what he was thinking - whether his mind was on the kiss as well. 'Thanks for dinner.' 

"You're welcome here anytime Nate, it was a pleasure having you." Daddy smiled. Nate seemed to relax in his chair, almost as if he was expecting a different reaction. "It's pretty late - AJ and I will drive you home." 

Alarm over took his eyes. 'That's fine - really. I can walk. I don't live far." He hastily scribbled. 

"I would feel terrible if something happened to you on your way home." Daddy cut off the conversation, leaving the room to retrieve the car keys from Dad. Nate's guard was back up along with the same demeanor he used at school. 

"Nate, why did you go with Kently to that party?" 

'He made me go.' He offered no other information and I didn't want to harangue him about it. 

I stood and walked over to the door that joined our living room and dining room. "You should probably write down the directions to your house." He did as he followed me out. Daddy was already sitting in the car waiting for us. Nate and I sat in the back seat, his fingers shaking. It wasn't very cold in the car especially with the heater on but it wasn't the cold. Something else was on his mind. 

"We're here." Daddy announced as he pulled to the side of the curb. Nate signed something before sliding out. 

He turned before closing the door and offered me back the notebook. "It's okay, you can keep it." Then he shut the door and trudged through the thick grass that made up the front yard. It wasn't a grand house but it was well taken care of. "As for you AJ, you have some explaining to do." 

"I know." I mumbled as I climbed into the front seat. Daddy started the car again and headed down the street. 

Daddy was quiet on the drive home - not questioning or admonishing me. 

               We walked back into the house where Dad was sitting in the living room; Lyss probably already have gone to bed. "Sit." He commanded and I did instantly. "You are grounded AJ - that means you go to school and you come home." 

"I know but Nate was in trouble." I objected. "They were going to kill him." 

"Don't be so dramatic -" 

"I'm not!" I cried. "I was all wet because I pulled Nate out of a pool. They threw him in as a joke but he didn't know how to swim." 

Both of my parents were silent. "AJ, you still should have told us before you left." Daddy offered. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now