Chapter 9: Jordan's House

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 9: Jordan's House


               "Stop scratching AJ." Nate grabbed my hands and held them between his. Dad was sitting in the living room right across us, admonishing me every time I began to scratch again. Apparently, the uncomfort from hives became debilitation after a severe shock. The only reason he hadn't busted my ass already was because Nate was here. Daddy stayed in the other room while Lyss stayed upstairs. This whole house was full of tension as a result of my idiotic, immature behavior. I was just glad Nate was here. 

"I'll be back." I made my way back down the hallway and trekked up the stairs. 

My sister's door was shut with a 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging from the knob. I knocked anyway and waited for her to open it. "What do you want AJ?" 

"I need to talk to you - can I come in?" She moved aside and welcomed me in reluctantly. 

She skipped back over to her bed and sat down. "Talk." 

I ran a hand through my hair, "I know what I did was stupid but you can't keep avoiding me." 

"I'm not avoiding you." She sighed. "I just don't want to be near you when you're drunk or high." 

I uncomfortably shifted and absent mindedly began to scratch at my arm. "I'm not drunk or high now." 

"AJ, you really scare me when you act all threatening - you scare daddy too. He won't tell you but a part of him is afraid of you." I knew it. Heck, a few days ago I thrived off it but I can't change overnight. I've been doing exactly what I've wanted to do since I was in second grade and old habits die hard. 

"Why don't you come down stairs and maybe coach daddy out of the kitchen?" She smiled and followed me out.  

               Nate and I was relaxing on the couch, watching The Omen from 1976. I had seen it so many times it didn't even count as scary anymore but Nate seemed to like it. I curled my arm around his shoulder and started to fall asleep. Nate's breathing evened and I could tell he was getting tired as well. I wasn't in the mood to drive him home so I allowed him to fall asleep in my arms, his head resting on my chest. This was as relaxed as I've ever seen him and besides a little twitching, he didn't move. There was something about him that attracted me; something I felt like I needed to protect him from and all I could hope for was that he would trust me enough to tell me. 

               Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked through the halls with Nate by my side. I knew if he strayed he would be murdered by Kently and for that I kept a firm hold on his hand. I wasn't embarrassed - I had no reason to be. "What are you guys a thing now?" Asher asked sarcastically. 

I looked at Nate and he slightly smiled. "You could say that." I shrugged as I pulled him closer. Asher shoved his hands in his pockets and followed us. 

"So, are we still on for Jordan's party tonight?" He asked hopefully. 

I snorted. "Aren't I always?" Nate didn't object in any way just clutched my hand tighter. "I gotta go but I'll meet you at the car after school." 

"Got it." He yelled as he ran to catch up with Stacy. He liked her but she wasn't anything special. She had a crappy personality and was awful in bed. 

I pulled Nate down a separate hall and didn't stop until we were secluded. "What's wrong?" 

'I don't want you going to that party. You just got out of the hospital yesterday.' He jotted down. 

"I'm fine Nate...I'm sick of being at home, I need to have some kind of fun." I continued to walk before he would write anything else down. "Why don't you come with me?" 

'Because I almost died the last time I went to a party.' Did he have to be so blatant with his reasoning?! 

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder again, "That was last time. You're with me this time." I stopped and framed his face with my hand. "I'll protect you." 

'Fine but you're not allowed to drink or take any pills.' He shoved his pencil into the spiral binding and began to walk ahead of me. I slightly laughed and jogged to catch up. 

               Music was blaring and vibrating off all the walls that made up Jordan's house. Nate stood close by, not letting me more than two feet away from him. I didn't mind - I even kind of liked it. "Looks like you could use a pick me up." Asher shoved a red cup in my hand and three pills in the other. I brought it to my lips but Nate's hand stopped me. He took the cup and the pills and put them on a nearby table. 'You promised.' His eyes seemed to scream. Maybe I wouldn't like not being able to drink tonight. 

We walked through the crowds, making our way to the backyard. "AJ!" Two girls bounced up and down, waving their hands erratically.  

"Hey girls." I greeted back.  

One of them stepped forward and hugged me, her hand straying down my shirt. I stopped her and pulled Nate in front of me. "Let me introduced you to Nate. Nate this is Jewel and Hanna." His eyes were wide in embarrassment but I thought he was adorable. Their faces went blank before forcing a smile. 

Nate tipped his head and grabbed my hand, dragging me away. I laughed and took a seat on the couch, forcing him into my lap. I burrowed my nose into his hair and kissed the tip of his ear. "Nate, can I ask you something?" He shook his head and waited for me to continue. "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

He answered me with a kiss that lasted longer than a minute. His lips were soft and warm. I arms slid down his back as the kiss deepened. Our tongues touched and his instantly surrendered to mine. I lightly bit his lips as I pulled away, causing his eyes to light up. I pulled my cell out and pulled Nate close to me, "Smile." He wasn't like anyone else I knew and I wanted him to be mine. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him and I could tell he's been hurt. He kind of acts like Lyss did when we first brought her home. She never talked to anyone but our parents at first and she never smiled. She would just sit in the living room for hours just looking at the wall, randomly bursting into tears. I hugged him to me, his bones obviously protruding unhealthily. "Nate, why don't we go get something to eat? This party's pretty boring." He agreed and willingly followed me out. I walked behind him with my hands on his hips. He shied away when I added pressure, tickling him. My head was resting on a shoulder, my nose against his neck. I blew air out through my nose, causing him to jerk at the feeling. He smiled and laughed silently. 

"You promised!" A guy yelled. He was a little taller than I was with short, copper hair. He wore a suit like he worked in an office and he carried a briefcase. "You promised Nate!" He yelled louder. 

Nate had froze, his eyes locked on the stranger. His fingers trembled and his breathing quickened. The guy began walking toward us and I quickly stepped in front of Nate. "Can I help you with something?" I hissed. 

"This doesn't involve you faggot." He spat. He pushed me aside and grabbed Nate roughly. 

I quickly slapped his hand away, shielding Nate with my arm. "Don't touch him!" I lead him away, the guy thankfully not following. I didn't know who he was but I knew one thing - He scared the hell out of Nate.



Who is this guy?! O_o Leave me a comment with your opinion! :D Thanks for reading!

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now